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Did Jack Black Cancel Himself?

Comic apologizes for band mate's vile wish for Trump's assassination

Jack Black never flinches from supporting Democrats.

During the Obama years, the “School of Rock” star promoted the ill-advised Iranian deal. More recently, Black joined a swanky Hollywood fundraiser for President Joe Biden.

Wise-cracking US celebrities endorse Iran deal

Over the weekend, Black crossed a bright, red political line. At least, that’s what he’s telling us now.

Black’s two-man group Tenacious D performed in Sydney, Australia Sunday as part of its current world tour. Tenacious D member Kyle Gass turned 64 that day, so Black presented him with a birthday cake on stage to celebrate with his adoring fans.

Make a wish, Black teased before Gass blew out the candles.

“Don’t miss Trump next time,” Gass said, referring to the sniper who tried to kill President Donald Trump at his July 13 Pennsylvania rally.

“Thank you,” Black responded.

The Internet didn’t take kindly to the comment, although Tenacious D fans mostly cheered it on at the venue.

Since then, Black announced the Tenacious D tour is suspended indefinitely. He apologized via his Instagram feed.


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A post shared by Jack Black (@jackblack)

Left unsaid but obvious. He threw his bandmate under the bus.

Gass, in turn, shared his own Instagram apology.


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A post shared by Kyle Gass (@theactualkylegass)

Apologies matter most when they’re uttered quickly, not after the bad press becomes too much for a celebrity to bear.

The duo deserves credit for their speedy mea culpas.

What’s curious about it all, beyond the obviously vile nature of the comments, was whether Black or Gass had to apologize at all. The assembled D fans cheered his comments on at the time. The group’s base likely wouldn’t punish the duo moving forward.

And does anyone think Black would lose work in Hollywood for wishing death on Trump? Heck, that’s been happening for eight-plus years and the only person to face any consequences was Kathy Griffin?

Did Jack Black Really Say That About Attack on Trump??



  1. I’m surprised these Hollywood Leftists didn’t utter the standard Apology-Not-An-Apology, “I’m sorry if my comment offended anybody….”

  2. His concert tour was going to be canceled by the venues for lack of sufficient insurance. The backlash brought death threats upon him. Just watch. His decline will resume with greater intensity.

  3. You’ll find no greater advocate for free speech than me, even when it’s actually against the law (as Kyle Gass’ comment most certainly was, and said in another country no less). Apologies are great, but what’s done is done, and one saying “I’m sorry,” simply doesn’t buy as much as they think it does.

    For the people on the left calling for Trump’s assassination, listen: Take a moment to fully understand the ugliness of what you’re saying. Consider the reality that your mind is in deep need of healing and get some help.

  4. His tour was supposed to wrap up in time to perform at the DNC convention. He did this to remove the stigma from that. He’s still gonna fund raise and probably perform there, but it would’ve brought tons of bad press had he done nothing. Smart move on his part, not sure if he’s genuine. I doubt Gass is.

  5. Jack Black’s initial response could have come from surprise. It was a bizarre response to a normal Birthday wish question by Jack Black.

    Black responded pretty quickly and seemed contrite. We are all sinners and Black acknowledged his (relatively minor) error quickly. Gass may or may not be sincere. With the tour cancelled, he is probably out of a reasonable check. Still, apologies should be accepted for mistakes as we all make them.

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