Leftists Try to Crush Trump-Friendly Comic’s Career
Conservative comic Steve McGrew knows what it’s like to lose gigs because of his political views.
During the 1990s McGrew says a potential HBO stand-up special got nixed because of his criticism of then-President Bill Clinton. He says it’s happening again.
This time, a social media mob is trashing McGrew’s good name, attempting to get him kicked off of Twitter and trying to cancel his New Year’s Eve gig.
He defended President Donald Trump following the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville, Va. earlier this month.
“I became their statue to tear down,” McGrew says.
@ComedyWorks I really hope he isn’t headlining on NYE. He is slandering another comic on the list and a hack . Not worthy of CW
— Mara Wiles (@MaraWiles) August 18, 2017
The Denver-based McGrew says local comedians are attacking both his character and career.
“He’s a racist, neo-Nazi … he refuses to work with women comics. It’s total lies,” says McGrew, who co-hosts the “Wrinkled Sheets” podcast with his girlfriend and routinely invites female comics on to his other show, Remasculate.
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“They’ve been harassing my Facebook page, and they started doing all the Twitter [against me]. ‘We’re gonna get you fired,’” he says.
One Denver-based comic sent McGrew a direct message with the same warning.
“The whole thing started because I posted I supported Trump on his first press comment where he condemned all hate. That both sides were wrong. I thought that was a great unifying statement,” he says.
That’s when the digital mob formed against him.
Please go to his page. Quote his tweets and make him visible. Respond to him. Tag people who need to see him. #disownmcgrew
— 🍍Jordan Doll🍍 (@RazorLou) August 18, 2017
@ComedyWorks You should reconsider him as a regular if he’s in the business of attacking other comics. https://t.co/4rO0H35svy
— Marcelo Duran (@guyincognito) August 18, 2017
He fought back, dubbing one stand-up a “leftist comedy hack” who should “spend more time on his act that on attacking Trump and people that support him.“ Some of the ensuing attacks cited McGrew’s self defense Tweet as their rationale. He claims it’s merely an excuse to savage him for his politics.
“These are guys that I’ve known for years …. They work all those dive bars. They’re not good comics,” he says, adding some Las Vegas-based comedians recently joined the Colorado stand-ups attacking him.
McGrew is unabashedly political on social media. His Larry the Liberal YouTube character mocks progressives. He recorded the viral smash “Friends in Safe Spaces” with occasional touring partner Chad Prather earlier this year.
Yet his stand-up act is apolitical to the core.
Denver comedian Chuck Roy says some of the messages sent McGrew’s way suggested physical violence.
Roy, who teaches comedy at the Community College of Denver, is a gay Republican. That doesn’t mean he agrees with everything McGrew posts on social media.
Hardly. That doesn’t matter, he says.
“He’s a friend and a colleague … he’s got the right to say what he wants to say,” Roy says. “Denver comedy has a bit of a bullying problem.”
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Denver-based comedienne Jeaneene Wallace says McGrew has been a mentor to many Colorado comics over the years.
“Steve is a very generous person with his time. He’s gone above and beyond to help comics in this town,” says Wallace, host of “Comic Mafia” on Colorado’s KZKO Radio. “He doesn’t deserve to be treated like this … we should be able to have differences of political opinion and have an intellectual debate that’s mature, not this mob mentality.”
Wallace caught similar heat from her peers last year after condemning someone burning the American flag on social media.
“They started attacking … it’s not a conversation. It’s an attack,” she says, scoffing at those calling McGrew a neo-Nazi misogynist.
“He opened for Roseanne Barr who is a woman and Jewish,” she says, laughing.
Wallace shared this message on Facebook:
[Steve McGrew] is also being accused of being a Nazi! Even to the point where he is being attacked on social media to have his Twitter account taken down along with trying to get him fired from The Comedy Works!! I am truly disappointed with the hatred I have seen in the comedy community towards the fellow comic!
This reporter reached out to multiple Denver-based comics critical of McGrew to get their side of this story. None responded.
McGrew, currently touring with Prather, says the attacks are part of a larger, concerted effort to shut down those with conservative views.
“They hate that we’re out here being conservative and selling out shows,” he says.
NOTE: McGrew pointed out the following tweet from comedian Doug Stanhope which yielded little to no outrage:
If #WhiteSupremacists #WhiteNationalist March with torches again tonight, it wouldn’t be hard to fill water balloons w gasoline. Just saying
— Doug Stanhope (@DougStanhope) August 12, 2017
UPDATE: Received a tweet from a professional comic complaining the article didn’t capture the whole story (despite reaching out to three McGrew critics and receiving a collective silence). So I asked him via Twitter to speak on the record and share what he felt was missing. No response.
Steve if your reading this I just want you to know that you are loved. Some of us not only agree with your principles but we also agree that your wit is pure genius.
I love the fact that way back when slick willy was having his way with the nation you were trying to wake up the sleeping sheeple.My grandpa was the same way.He would drive around in his big caddie with facts about exactly what Bill and the pants in the family were up to written very ledgibly on the windows in the back. He got alot of flack for it too but it never stooped him.
The majority of us ,(the Trump supporters) Have had it with celebrats who continue to try and tell us that killary would have been a better choice as president.I guess they dont realize that the democrats are no longer in charge of who is successful in the entertainment business.And that will be made clear to them sooner then they could have ever imagined..What they say doesnt matter but now is the time fo teally put your eself out there ….they only discourage you because they know your good and that all they have going for them are relatives in congress or the business. THEY ARENT FUNNY…Honestly ….have you watched SNL in the last ten years…. Nobody laughs at that crap
“The Neo-Nazi march”? People should not refer to that day in columns if they do not know about the Occupy organizer of it and the Soros-connection. And let’s add in the actual facts of the “careening the car into the crowd,” as has been written, as well.
They fail to see the irony of labeling him a “bully” as they attempt to bully him into silence. That is comical.
The left continually misuses words for effect. The all empowering “hate” — if something is “hate,” anything can be done to be rid of it, Constitution be damned. It’s actually silly to hear the word constantly referred to as if it were objective, when they misuse it so often in subjective ways. (“Hate speech is not protected,” blatantly says that “hate speech” is an objective concept we all agree on.)
Now we have “anti-fa,” which, regardless of the talk show people who spin it by pronouncing it “An-TEE-fuh” is, just like “anti-abortion,” “anti-war,” etc., a hypenated word meaning “against ‘fascists,'” which yes, is what they call Trump supporters. It’s important to point that out. We have to be at least as good as the left in using the language to our advantage.
SAFETY ALERT! regarding Doug Stanhope’s inflammatory (literally) tweet. Natural rubber is not stable in gasoline; anyone who decides to fill a water balloon with dino juice runs a very real risk of becoming a human tiki torch.
Would it be deemed hateful to say it would serve them right?
Remember, it’s leftism, uber alles… more than the your guild, more than your neighbors, more than your family. The acolytes will destroy the apostate, be they their own mother, if they are not one of the body…
One thing you can be pretty sure of: that liberals will lie tirelessly when trying to slander someone who has ideas they don’t agree with.
I agree with Kingswood1 who said, “George Carlin is rolling over in his grave.”
I’m a local Denver comedian and this article is nothing but propaganda to defend Steve McGrew and his hateful fans. Why not bring context to the story by showing McGrew’s Facebook post where he roused his fans to boycott Denver comedians and everything they’re affiliated with? This thread led to at least one of Steve’s fans threatening violence on comedians simply because Denver comedy used its free speech and Democratic majority tried to keep Steve McGrew out of certain venues. Why not talk about how this all started because McGrew is a childish, hack comedian who tried to get a stupid meme to trend that attacked a local comedian? This article is the type of fake news that Steve McGrew shares constantly and this rhetoric is turning our country into an idiocracy. Steve is just butthurt that he feels lonely in his hometown comedy scene being the only Trump supporter. If Steve McGrew grows up and stops acting so ignorant then maybe he’ll be excepted in Denver comedy again.
You’re hilarious.
I know, I’m a pretty good comedian. ; )
Protip, “comedian”: We’re laughing at you, not with you. Unfortunately, you can’t hear the duck noises over the internet.
Jake may be funny but looks will only carry him so far.
It’s pretty impressive that a dog typed this. What? Are you too afraid to show your ugly mug?
Nah, you aren’t worthy to gaze on anything but my middle finger.
Whoa, I take everything back- You ARE a comedian! Woohoohoo- look out everyone, here’s a rocket going straight to the top! This guy is clever!….
Do you tell that to yourself everyday?
“he’ll be excepted!?” The needed spelling is “accepted.”
Hate lowers IQs. So does swallowing Leftist ideologies. There’s a reason lemmings like Jake are called useful idiots by the Inner Party of the Socialist Internationale. Hah ha.
I think Jake has gone beyond the useful idiot category. The useful idiots are more like the why cant we all get along types, who refuse to condemn Antifas role in the violence, while deploring the violence. I rate Jake as a Stalinist political propagandist for the Inner Party. He actually justifies Antifa fascist violence, he is beyond deluded, he is actual evil.
Shorter Jake: “Burn the witch!”
So , are you saying that there’s hatefulness on both sides?
It’s really simple: one side is Nazis. The other side is anti-Nazi. When the Nazis go away, then Antifa will go away.
Yeah, the people wearing black hoods beating up people supporting Trump are anti-fascist. Anyone who disagrees with a single iota of leftist dogma is a “Nazi.” Antifa won’t go away. Because Antifa is just the latest name for psychopaths who like to burn things and beat people up while mouthing slogans they heard someone else say.
What you’re describing is behavior that matches Nazis more than Antifa. Yes, there is plenty of violence on the left that is unjustified. But the majority are fighting back against violence from the far right which is statistically and factually a greater domestic terrorist threat. The only reason this is happening is because leftists realize that the whole kumbaya attitude doesn’t work for you guys anymore. I have plenty of views that clash with leftists but I’ve never been called a bigot or Nazi because I don’t support any of their ideologies.
Hallucinate much?
We understand that this is the hallucinatory mythology of leftist bubble dwellers like you. It is utter poppycock. It’s not the few hundred (nationally) self-proclaimed “Nazis” who are burning cars, destroying property, shooting Congressmen from the party they don’t like, beating rally attendees into comas, getting people fired from their jobs for not conforming to ideological orthodoxy or filling streets by the multitudes to “resist” a duly elect d president. It is the unhinged Left. We normals know this, and we watch as you bubble dwellers lash out in desperation as your cognitive dissonance and moral bankruptcy rob you of your sanity.
Do you deny that Antifa constantly uses physical mob violence to attack and intimidate any conservative or libertarian they dont like. Are you going to be that much of a baldfaced liar. Use of those storm trooper methods is fascist, no matter who you claim to use them on.
One side are Nazis using Nazi methods, the other side claims to oppose Nazis while using Nazi methods, so in terms of fascist methods both sides areequally evil. Antifa claims to oppose Nazis while also using violent Nazi totalitarian methods, the use of those fascist methods makes them fascists as well. Once you accept the principle that it is acceptable to suppress political views you dont like using mob violence and intimidation, and create your own storm troopers to implement that, you are fascist, regardless of whether you claim to oppose fascism. Of course in Antifas case, anybody who is not a far leftists is a fascist to them, so they are basically claiming the right to use fascist violent intimidation vs anybody who disagrees with them. So maybe its time you look at yourself in the mirror for your support of Antifa fascist methods.
Insane. It’s 2017 (hate people who say that), and people are screaming “The Nazis are coming!” It’s become a pride thing — Look, Mom, I’m fighting Nazis!”
The irony is, there’s an organization they can join that fights those who burn people alive and make them sex slaves. Rather than turning their fellow Americans who vote conservative into the enemy, there’s a group they can join that really FIGHTS those who are doing what they say they hate. But hey, that organization votes largely for Trump, so the Nazi-fighters can’t go join them. (Besides, facing real fascists takes courage.).
Firstly, just because one is anti-Nazi, doesn’t give one a free pass to engage in political violence. Political violence should be condemned regardless of ideology by all who support democratic governance. Full stop.
Secondly, where were the Nazis inthe Battle of Seattle anti-globalization riots? All those Black Bloc Anarchists? etc. Same folks as Antifa, diff names best I can tell. Even if Antifa goes away, those same folks under a different name will be trying to further their side through violence, because that is what they have done. There will always be someone they can call Nazi, even after they “go away.”
Thirdly, what exactly did you mean by “the Nazis go away.”? They stop publicly demonstrating/getting news coverage? (Doubt that’ll happen until a POTUS (D) takes office, even if every Nazi but one left the country). Or did you mean something else?
Lastly, my original comment was to point out a mildly amusing irony as I saw it. Sorry you missed it.
No, one side are Nazis using Nazi methods, the other side claims to oppose Nazis while using Nazi methods. Antifa claims to oppose Nazis while also using violent Nazi totalitarian methods, the use of those fascist methods makes them fascists as well. Once you accept the principle that it is acceptable to suppress political views you dont like using mob violence and intimidation, and create your own storm troopers to implement that, you are fascist, regardless of whether you claim to oppose fascism. Of course in Antifas case, anybody who is not a far leftists is a fascist to them, so they are basically claiming the right to use fascist violent intimidation vs anybody who disagrees with them. So maybe its time you look at yourself in the mirror for your support of Antifa fascist methods.
Instead of implying that Steve is a jerk, why don’t you actually QUOTE HIM? Talk about ‘fake news’
I would but ole’ Snowflake McGrew blocked me because he needed a safe space away from ppl who had a different opinion.
Nobody is blocking you here, so why didn’t you produce an actual offensive quote in response the his reasonable question, you stalinist hack propagandist.
Like I said: Steve McGrew blocked me. I literally cannot produce the evidence you ask for. I cannot view his page anymore. Pay attention you goldfish attention span douchebag.
Dude, you aren’t helping yourself at all. Find someone he hasn’t blocked and get them to screen shot the quotes. It isn’t that hard.
Mudflap literally made a list of comedian who his fans should “block and not book” and then Denver retaliated. He also made an offensive drawing (that he actually admitted to stealing from the internet) that was telling people to not be like a certain comic. A comic who is looked up to and is admired by many. Steve is allowed to say what he wants, and so are Denver comics. I am sorry, if you are going to attack my friends, I am not going to ignore that. I went through his social media, and he deleted all posts of him attacking, but I watched it all. I was paying attention. I didn’t just read a biased article. The attacked WERE provoked by Mudflap. He is permitted to have free speech, and in that, we don’t have to like it. We don’t support it. Why did Mudflap start attacking a friend? Because my friend spoke up against the white supremacists in Charlottesville. Mudflap is a white supremacist sympathizer. The comedian who spoke out is white, and jewish. Mudflap attacked him and said he hates whites (which he NEVER said) because he didn’t like the supremacists walking around with automatic weapons, and they literally killed one woman. It seems like you folks are also sympathizers, so there is nothing I can tell you to make you understand how terrible they are. But maybe you can remember and respect your parents and grand parents, who like mine, served in WWII to end the white supremacist in Germany. AKA, the NAZI’S… No, I have no time for racism. I will never book a racist comic. There are consequences to actions. I am a woman of color. There are lots of people of color booking shows, and if they are white? They would never risk having one comic say a bunch of racist material that work 20 years ago in the 90’s. We are evolving for the better. We can be more creative and don’t need to rely on hack jokes that isolate certain groups, while white masses laugh. Literally, none of you saw what happened, and read a biased article, and preach it to be true, and make fun of others who were actually witnesses. That’s what I expect from folks like you, TBH. Keep living like this. We are not the only group of people standing up against systemic racism. White supremacists and sympathizers are losing their jobs all over the country. Trump lost the popular vote, and Trump supporters are confused to why there are protests. Cause we are strong ass snowflakes who fucking fight. I hope you guys can feel the love and passion for something that you actually find a reason to fight. Instead of safely hiding behind your screens.
I can understand your frustrations, but if you are going to go on a diatribe about how none of us really understand the situation then maybe you should not use bogus “facts” to support your position.
It would also help if you didn’t use fascist tactics to blackball a fellow comic.
“…he didn’t like the supremacists walking around with automatic weapons.” Yeah, nobody had an automatic weapon.
“Systematic racism”–you will have to provide examples of that (Affirmative action is already known to be biased so you can’t use that as an example of racism.)
“No, I have no time for racism. I will never book a racist comic. There
are consequences to actions. I am a woman of color. There are lots of
people of color booking shows, and if they are white? They would never
risk having one comic say a bunch of racist material that work 20 years
ago in the 90’s”
Seems to me that you are the one who is racist. You group a bunch of people you don’t know into a neat little “white supremacist” box and just think people will accept being called racist.
Good luck to you because it must suck to be that angry all the time.
Geez, this makes me feel like apologizing to you and others on here just for being part of the same species that is spawning these vulgar-mouthed folks! Hate to keep saying “unhinged,” but this is getting waay past ridiculous. Now it’s “support Trump” and lose your career? And I thought google was bad, firing the non-leftist from just one company!
I don’t believe that I mentioned Trump at all. I mentioned the fascist tactics used by other ‘comics’ in Denver to silence one they don’t like. He may be a bad dude, but the answer to bad speech (or jokes) is more speech, not less. The market will punish him all on its own if he is such a bad dude.
time for you to grow up and stop acting like an ignorant bigot
You can’t tell me that. That’s literally what I said to Steve McGrew. McGrew is a red neck with hate in his heart for ppl that are different than him.
again , it is time for you to grow up and stop acting like an ignorant bigot, you not Steve
“hate in his heart for ppl that are different than him.”- So unlike funny men who threaten to destroy people’s careers because democrat party member lynch mobs must be sated.
Uh-oh. As an observer here, that “red neck” (sic) tossed in there told me a lot. Oooooh.
“If Steve McGrew grows up and stops acting so ignorant then maybe he’ll be excepted in Denver comedy again.”- if X admits to his thoughtcrimes and promises to join us prognazis in our collective hysteria and fascism, then maybe we will allow him to live…”
Yeah, “comedian”, you are red-guard scum.
All he has to do is agree to check with his political commissar before he puts anything out on twitter.
“Denver comedy used its free speech and Democratic majority tried to keep Steve McGrew out of certain venues”
That does not sound like free speech to me, that sounds like Stalinist speech suppression.
“This thread led to at least one of Steve’s fans threatening violence on
comedians simply because Denver comedy used its free speech and
Democratic majority tried to keep Steve McGrew out of certain venues.”
Denver Comedy Using its free speech to silent others speech. You just can’t make this stuff up.
I’m referring to the thread on Steve’s FB wall. NOT this thread. Go and look it up if it hasn’t been deleted yet.
Oh, I understood what you were saying. I don’t think you did.
It was pretty obvious. March or die, indeed.
Oh, goodness, I’m not even part of the Denver comedy scene, and it’s obvious just from reading that that there is a real “burn the witch” mentality (as another commenter so aptly put it) going on there. Geez. People are so unhinged when it comes to Trump supporters that they don’t even see that they’re talking and acting exactly like the klan of the 1920’s. Take a look in the mirror at the bigotry, Trump-haters.
George Carlin is rolling over in his grave.
Definitely. Although Carlin leaned left, he was not afraid to take on everybody, totally opposed any kind of censorship, and would definitely resent these stalinist political commisars telling comics what they have the right to say.
Denver IS NOT Colorado. It’s California, Part 2. The liberal Cali-rats have pretty much taken the city over and turned it into a PC nightmare.
Denver is one of the sources of the disease that has crippled California’s entertainment industry. If Coloradans would go home, California would return to being a Republican state ready to elect a Ronald Reagan again.