HiT Podcast No. 13 – Mark Pellegrino
Actor Mark Pellegrino is having too much fun playing the bad guy.
Pellegrino is best known for bringing Lucifer to life on the long-running CW series “Supernatural.” Before that, he played a nasty husband on “Dexter,” a murderous soul in “Revolution” and a twisted biologist in “The Tomorrow People.”
And yet he couldn’t be more charming in conversation. Or thought provoking.
HiT caught up with Pellegrino in the middle of a “secret” project to talk about his Hollywood career, the blue-collar side of stardom and what animates him about the current political climate.
Before you wince at the thought of yet another actor getting political, give Pellegrino a chance.
He’s the co-founder of the American Capitalist Party, a right-leaning group which upholds the following prime directive:
We stand for reason, for individual rights, for limited Constitutional government, and for laissez-faire capitalism.
Even better? He’s thoughtful about the current political climate. He’s not eager to name call those with whom he disagrees. And even progressives might be curious to hear what he has to say about the Age of Trump.
Listen to “HiT Episode 13 Mark Pellegrino” on Spreaker.
Please follow Mark on Twitter @MarkRPellegrino and check out The American Capitalist Party, too via @CapitalistParty
He’s currently “finishing post” on his wife’s upcoming movie “Strangers in a Strange Land” and working on his first MoCap project for a new video game.