
Carolla Explains Hollywood’s Silence on Free Speech Fight

Celebrities are hardly shy when it comes to the hot button issues of the day.

  • Immigration
  • Abortion
  • Foreign policy
  • The Second Amendment

Yet celebrities are virtually silent when it comes to the assault on free speech happening on college campuses nationwide. For every Bill Maher or Richard Dreyfuss there are countless stars yet to say a public peep on the matter.

Adam Carolla thinks he knows why.

Sure, stars are technically outraged that some college speakers can’t finish a presentation without scrambling for their safety. But look who those speakers are.

  • Ben Shapiro
  • Ann Coulter
  • Milo Yiannopoulos
  • Heather Mac Donald

Conservatives, all. And suddenly any potential outrage fades to black in Hollywood.

“They disagree with what the guy is saying, so it’s a good thing [that they’re silenced],” Carolla says.

That means stars won’t like what the podcast king is up to next.

Join Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager: No Safe Spaces

Carolla is teaming up with syndicated radio host Dennis Prager to create “No Safe Spaces.” The upcoming documentary captures how campus radicals are stifling free speech and, in some cases, committing violence along the way.

Evergreen State College. UC Berkeley. Claremont McKenna College.

And the host of “The Adam Carolla Show” needs your help to make the movie happen. The film is in the final days of its campaign to raise $500,000.

By the time my kids are ready for college it’s gonna be a waste of moneyClick To Tweet

Carolla may be passionate about the First Amendment, but he doesn’t blame the students for the problem.

“The kids are 19, stupid and high. They’ve never not had a house with four TV sets in it. We shouldn’t be listening to them,” he says. “What’s going in with the 50-year-olds running the place? That’s the story that’s missing [in the media].”

“No Safe Spaces” hopes to fill in those blanks.

After all, it’s one thing for students to take over a campus building or two. It’s something else when the school’s leaders genuflect to their outrageous demands. Carolla compares the situation to the classic “Twilight Zone” episode featuring Bill Mumy as an all-powerful child.

Bill Mumy discusses "The Twilight Zone" episode It's a Good Life- EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG

Remember how the character had the power to “wish” people into the cornfield? All the adults kowtowed to his every wish. That’s what we’re seeing on today’s college campuses, he says.

That doesn’t even mention the rising costs associated with higher learning now. Parents are paying top price so professors can teach them not to think for themselves.

“By the time my kids are ready for college it’s gonna be a waste of money,” he says, joking that he’ll spend their college tuition fund on a new Lamborghini.

Carolla never went to college. He’s a self-made man, and he wouldn’t mind if his twins followed in daddy’s footsteps.

“Figure out what you want to do and go do it. Go intern,” the veteran carpenter says. “Go out there and start learning. More than ever now you can do that.”

He adds that consumers would rather have someone weaned on carpentry skills build their house than a graduate who read all about it but never swung a hammer.

Carolla earned his documentary cred creating two solid racing films – “The 24 Hour War” and “Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman.”

Winning: The Racing Life of Paul Newman - Official Trailer

He’s currently working on documentaries about race car driver Willy T. Ribb and Los Angeles’ KROQ radio. For now, he hopes “No Safe Spaces” achieves what “An Inconvenient Truth” did a decade ago. There’s little doubt Al Gore’s climate change primer sparked a public debate. Even climate change skeptics admit that.

“I like the idea of people talking about [free speech on campus]. That’s what we’re trying to do,” he says. And movies can have more impact that other media.

Sure, talk radio, podcasting and print can only educate the masses so much. Nothing, he argues, is as potent as a film.

“Al Gore would have never gotten his message out without that theatrical release,” he says.


  1. ” it’s one thing for students to take over a campus building or two. It’s
    something else when the school’s leaders genuflect to their outrageous

    “School leaders” have been doing that since the 60s. So the problem is not the current crop of “50 yr olds” OR the current crop of “19 yr olds”. Nor is it that the problem has been hidden or that the story is unknown.

    The problem is that everyone accepts the Left’s principles about ‘free speech’ – and has since BEFORE the 60s.

  2. the vast majority of hollywood types are children stuck in play time. I am sure there are educated and intellectuals among them, but herd and mob thinking is the standard. They are only alphas in life because stupid people treat them that way. They are not special and need to be reminded of that constantly.

  3. If it were a just world the worm would turn and the Hollywood waiters and maids who call themselves celebrities would have their speech censored and stopped…since they are all for it…unlike when it happens to others…censoring theirs would actually improve the world for the rest of us.

  4. Comparing what Carolla is doing versus what The Goreacles “Inconvenient lies” did is an absurd analogy made by the very kind of person Carolla is speaking about in the article. The leftwit is too dumb to realize it.

    Adam is spreading LIBERTY. Gore is spreading MARXISM at the point of a made up gun. Gore is one of the insane leftwits of which you speak.

  5. All university public funding, legislative favors and tax exempt status should be stopped immediately. No grants, no scholarships, no handouts, no tax breaks- absolutely zero support, direct or indirect.

    1. And how do you teach people that is the right thing to do?

      Even HERE you are not preaching to the choir. Most will demand that there BE State Education. They don’t disagree with that principle. They just quibble over who gets to control it.

      They WANT State Education. They just want to be the people running it.

      So – you’ve declared the practice you seek. Now – how are you going to get others to agree with your (unnamed) principle so they will ENACT it?

      You don’t bother saying WHAT your principle is – let alone WHY your principle is right. So you aren’t even engaged in education here.

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