‘SNL’ Tells Brutal Truth About Biden (Finally)
Cold open mocks admin's attempt to prop up elderly Commander in Chief

“Saturday Night Live” avoids President Joe Biden at all costs.
That’s hard to do when a show lives and dies by political gags. Still, “SNL” modern-day writers know the prime directive.
Protect Democrats. It’s a betrayal of the show’s bipartisan past, but it’s how the show operates in the post-Obama age.
For three-plus years “SNL” has focused mostly on President Donald Trump and the GOP while Biden served as President. The show occasionally pokes fun at Biden’s age, but rarely with the vigor that might leave a mark.
Not last night.
The show’s “cold open” torched Biden sycophants for pretending the 81-year-old leader is as spry and sentient as a man half his age.
He’s not. Anyone with access to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, understands that.
The press and mainstream comedians keep pretending Biden is of sound mind despite ample evidence to the contrary. Reality is starting to force them to tell the truth.
One recent example?
Variety admitted Biden’s recent trek to “Late Night with Seth Meyers” was a disaster.
The “SNL” cold open showed key Democrats praising Biden’s sharp mind, endless stamina and even killer Parkour skills. It’s a sly parody on the party’s attempt to dissuade voters from noting the leader’s obvious decline.
The “Inside Politics with Dana Bash” skit followed the low-rated CNN show addressing Biden’s age. Gov. Gavin Newsom (Michael Longfellow), Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (Ego Nwodim) and impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (Marcello Hernández) all say what a “beast” Biden is behind the scenes.
Heidi Gardner, playing CNN’s Bash, finally has enough.
“With all due respect, it doesn’t fit reality,” she said.
‘SNL’ and Biden: Is the Love Story Over?
The skit ends with Newsom attempting to Face Time Biden to prove his point. Except President Biden, played by Mikey Day, looks confused. When he tries to raise the volume on the call he hangs up on Newsom instead.
The far-Left Deadline.com decried the skit, calling it “Old & Tired Fast” in the headline.
Somebody needs to tell [‘SNL’ creator] Lorne Michaels that Biden age jokes and the adulation of his behind-the-Oval Office-doors wisdom, stamina and command of policy by Democrats are not worth anywhere near dime a dozen this election year at this point.
Translation: “SNL” cannot produce comedy that could hurt their party’s chances against Trump this Fall. It couldn’t be more transparent.
Deadline even dubbed the skit’s ending “anti-climatic.” Funny or not, the finale captured what “SNL” meant to say. There’s reality. And then there’s BidenWorld reality.
LastNightOn.com also poured cold water on the sketch but through a less partisan lens.
Overall, it was another forgettable cold open in Saturday Night Live season 49. It wasn’t quite on the level of last week’s complete misfire, but the Inside Politics parody didn’t exactly get the ball rolling like other openers this season.
The biggest surprise, besides “SNL” actually doing its job?
The press covered the sketch, magnifying its message in the process. TheHill.com, TheWrap.com and AOL all penned stories about the Biden mockery.
The Hill’s coverage softened the skit’s ending.
“Hey, hold on, I’m just going to turn up the volume — just gotta find a button. There we go —” he said before ending the mock call.
ALL of SNL’s skit endings are anticlimactic. It’s their trademark, take a premise, run with it too long and finally peter out with a weak ending. Thus ever so, back to Belushi and Chase and Murray.
That was BIDEN APPROVED comedy.The fact that you thought it was in ANY WAY “subversive” to his narrative is in and of itself TROUBLING. Where was Biden talking to plants? Dead People? Where was Biden not knowing how to get off a stage? HE ACCIDENTALLY SHUT OFF A ZOOM CALL? That’s called WEAK SAUCE my friend. But the most disquieting thing is YOU CROWING and giving them “CREDIT” for this puerile effort. Squish Republicans or “conservatives” like YOU are the reason we are sitting the corner like TIED UP CUCKS while they wipe their butts with the constitution and persecute Trump.
Watched the SNL skit… pretty weak for satire if you ask me. Watch the recent videos from other countries if you want to see a satirical approach to Biden that’s actually funny. This lame jab is lightweight, as if they just wanted to check the box to avoid criticism.
Never cared for snl. I saw their first show back in the 70’s and nothing I’ve heard about it has made me want to watch another.
the DNC is only allowing this stuff now cause they see Joe B as a liability and want Mike Obama to replace him on the top of their #2024 ticket.
You might be on to something. DNC is still stuck in Obama’s shadow.
Please, please let Michelle (Michael?) Obama be the Dem nominee! It will finally expose another media lie we’ve been fed about how “likeable” she (he) is. (There’s never been a more bitter, unlikeable candidate to ever run for president than this person would be)..