‘The Chosen’ Shocks Hollywood (Again)
TV sensation's second big-screen closeup outdraws 'She Said,' 'The Menu'

“The Chosen” has more miracles up its sleeve.
The Angel Studios show, focusing on the life and times of Jesus Christ (Jonathan Roumie), became a crowdfunding sensation in 2019. The first two seasons have been viewed more than 440 million times, to date.
Even secular critics, routinely harsh toward faith-based storytelling, have embraced the saga.
This weekend, “The Chosen” showed it can compete with the best and brightest Hollywood has to offer.
The first two episodes of the show’s third season, packaged for theatrical release, is set to earn $10 million in its opening weekend. UPDATE: Final numbers for the weekend – $8.68 million according to Angel Studios.
For perspective, the ballyhooed “She Said,” recalling the journalists who helped expose Harvey Weinstein’s predatory crimes, will earn roughly $2.25 million on its opening weekend.
Both films snagged around 2,000 screens nationwide.
“The Chosen: Season 3” also beat out “The Menu,” a thriller starring Ralph Fiennes as a fanatical chef. That film was shown in roughly 1,000 more theaters than “The Chosen.”
“The Chosen: Season 3” quickly outpaced some of the season’s Oscar-bait releases, like:
- “Armageddon Time”
- “Till”
- “Tar”
- “Call Jane”
Here is the official plot description for “The Chosen: Season 3’s” theatrical debut.
After Jesus completes a sermon that turns the world upside down, all 12 disciples (including newcomer Judas) are ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. But problems remain. Matthew wrestles with estrangement from his family. Andrew visits an imprisoned John the Baptist. Mary and the women must find a source of income. Simon and Eden face the costs of following Jesus.
Most importantly, the disciples face their biggest challenge yet when Jesus sends them out, two by two, to preach and perform miracles without him.
The news comes days after Angel Studios debuted the first two episodes of “The Wingfeather Saga” at a packed Nashville venue. That animated series, debuting Dec. 2, features characters and stories introduced by singer/songwriter Andrew Peterson in his four-book series.
“For the second year in a row, The Chosen is capturing the imagination of moviegoers around the country … we’re seeing that the same audiences who have helped us break streaming records can have similar impact at the box office,” Neal Harmon, CEO of Angel Studios, said in a statement.
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It’s not the first time the series crossed over into the cineplex. Last year, “Christmas With The Chosen: The Messengers” earned $10 million in its first seven days, going on to generate $13.7 million. That release earned more than $4 million in its debut weekend.
“The Chosen” can be viewed on the Angel Studios app, but its reach will soon expand. The show’s creative team told Deseret News that it struck a deal with Netflix for the streaming giant to carry the series.
We Thank GOD for GOD’S Ambassador Dallas Jenkins & The Chosen!
Pastor Ron & Dr. Dee
How long does it take to have a reply approved to be shown here?
What are y’alls thoughts on the idea that Jesus should never be portrayed in art or movies because some interpret this as breaking the second commandment?
I decided that I don’t have to explain my beliefs to anyone especially to those who don’t believe in the Holy things. What I can do is pray for them, love them and let the Father do the rest.
Sun it up……”Get use to different.” Come and see and you will be fed.
We need to all pray for the haters. This beautiful story is amazing and thanks be to our Lord and savior that we get it. Think of the blessings you will receive praying for the lost
I love The Chosen. It’s been a great portrayal of Christ. I love the Lord so much and appreciate His atoning sacrifice, teachings, and all He’s done for us. I also love my Christian brothers and sisters and it is so sad to see that they don’t understand the teachings of my church. My church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Truly it is a wonderful Christian faith. We support you all but it is generally not returned. Unfortunately the special golden nuggets of this faith are being missed. One great one is more knowledge and understanding of our Savior. It is amazing. Of course there’s more! Makes sense to me. God is not sleeping…He is fully awake speaking to a living prophet in our day. Again makes sense when we need this now more than ever! We are ridiculed (comes from the adversary)as a tactic to keep people away from some additional truth and blessings. I’m so grateful I have it because I may have listened to the buzz and missed it also. Take care everyone. Be kind….especially when you are trying to follow Christ.
Dear brothers and sisters, I implore you to remember that God has given all of us free will to believe and think as we please. But for those who believes, he reminds us to love those who would prosecute us from their own misinformation. By trying to retaliate or justify by our own understanding removes Jesus love from us. So remember, all publicity, even negative remarks, is still free publicity that will get the Good News out. God’s peace be with you all. Thank you Dallas and team for this wonderful life changing production.
Luke 23:34
And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Luke 6:27-28
But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Matthew 8:12
Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Romans 12:14
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
Romans 12:17-20
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”
The Chosen embraces all…Jewish and Christian. I asked my buddy who is Jewish to watch. He did. He loves this series. I do too!
Spectacular, go see for yourself.
Thank you Angel Studio
Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings and doctrins of demons.
1Tim 4:1
When Jesus spoke those words to Mary “You are mine”. I felt like He was saying this just to me. This maybe JUST a movie but the TRUTH can not with held. You feel it! And it fills you with warmth, contentment, peace. If you are looking for those things take a chance and watch and listen with your heart. Be still and know that God wants you…he knows your name.