OpinionIndustry News

Ron Perlman Peddles Gun Lies, Says They’re Still ‘True’

Ron Perlman’s Trump Derangement has been very, very good to his Twitter brand.

The character actor, best known for two “Hellboy” films, “Sons of Anarchy” and Amazon’s “Hand of God,” regularly trashes President Donald Trump and GOP politicians on social media.

The tone is anything but cordial. And that probably helped push his Twitter flock to 828K … and counting.

Need examples?

Perlman previously said he’d give up his life to take down President Trump. He’s also attacked Michelle Malkin’s site, Twitchy, without a shred of evidence.

He even faced a brief Twitter ban after hoping for the death of libertarian Charlies Koch following the passing of the billionaire’s brother, David Koch.

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Now, Perlman is taking himself to task for a recent Tweet that didn’t pass the smell test. Perlman weighed in on international gun use a day after a British terrorist, 28-year-old Usman Khan, used a knife to kill two and injure three before being shot to death by the police.

Did he have that attack in mind when he Tweeted this?

Twitter users quickly blew the whistle on the actor’s version of Fake News.

Did Perlman apologize for the errors? Yes … and no.

Fake but accurate? Dethroned anchor man Dan Rather would be proud.

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