Ron Perlman: I’d Risk Death to Bring Trump Down

Actor Ron Perlman takes his role in The Resistance seriously.
The “Sons of Anarchy” star spends the bulk of his Twitter time savaging President Donald Trump. To do so he uses the curse “muthaf***a” more often than those little blue creatures say “Smurf.”
His Twitter flock called him out on it recently. Did Perlman, most recently seen in Amazon’s “Hand of God” series, back down?
No. He doubled down. And, as a result, suggested that he’s willing to lay down his life to bring down President Trump.
Let’s get it straight muthafuckas, I’m at the end of a great life. I’m good. It’s my kids I fight for. Mine and yours. And if dying for my Country is what’s in order, I’m ready.
— Ron Perlman (@perlmutations) February 10, 2018
He must be serious because he capitalized “country.”
The actor doesn’t spell out how he’d give his own life for The Resistance. Perhaps a subsequent Tweet will add some clarity. Some of his left-leaning Twitter flock cheered him on. Others gave him a not so polite response.
Lol, your just a bitter old dude who says muthafuckas a lot.
— Danyul King (@king_danyul) February 10, 2018
Ready to die for your Country are ya? Is that until someone yells ‘cut’? You fool no-one. Real oath keepers take threats like you’re making seriously. I heard you play an excellent Tough guy in the movies. Pro-tip… Movies don’t equal reality.
— I’m Eddie & BothPartiesSuck (@gamecocksSecE) February 11, 2018
Here’s a little tough love from a fan:
Enlist in the army, become a public servant. or run for office. Make a difference every day. And stop complaining. Words without results are meaningless. Attitudes like yours are what is wrong with this country. People are sick and tired of whiners. Hellboy was awesome by the way
— 🍊🏈Hangry Bill Brimley🍊🏀 (@OtherDonaldT) February 11, 2018
To die is the easy part, you make the request, someone will take you up on it. Why not do something to effect change. Whoops, you would rather blow hot air. Children learn at their parents knees, and having a dope like you for a father, what must your children be thinking, offering to die in some mythical “resistance”. You truly are a ZERO!
The man is a complete lunatic.