‘Reagan’ Not Diverse Enough for Oscars
2024 biopic one of many films blocked from Best Picture consideration

“Reagan” had little chance of taking an Oscar home this year.
The 2024 film earned withering reviews from critics, a body that leans decidedly to the Left. Some film scribes included the film on their “Worst of 2024” lists. That’s despite snagging an impressive 98 percent “fresh” rating from audiences.
Whatever slim hopes the film had for earning a Best Picture nomination vanished in a DEI snap. The film was ruled ineligible for the top prize because it didn’t meet the Oscars’ new diversity requirements.
The rules in question rose up from the fires of 2020’s BLM protests. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences proposed diversity mandates, which went into effect last year, demanding Best Picture hopefuls check multiple progressive boxes.
Example? A film must have diverse crews or tackle subjects pertaining to marginalized groups. Jews, apparently, don’t qualify.
“Reagan,” apparently, didn’t check enough boxes. And it’s not alone. TheWrap.com reports 116 films released last year didn’t quality for Best Picture consideration.
Not all of those films flunked the diversity test. Some may not have meet other criteria, including:
“…feature films must open in a commercial motion picture theater in at least one of six U.S. metropolitan areas: Los Angeles County; the City of New York; the Bay Area; Chicago, Illinois; Miami, Florida; and Atlanta, Georgia, between January 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024, and complete a minimum qualifying run of seven consecutive days in the same venue. Feature films must have a running time of more than 40 minutes.”
Others were cast aside like “Reagan.”
Actor Richard Dreyfus is one of the few stars to publicly slam the diversity measures. He said the new rules made him want to vomit.
“Reagan” earned $30 million during its theatrical run despite terrible reviews.
Perhaps they should have made Ronnie black and Nancy hispanic, I think I would have had a hard time portraying Maggie Thatcher as an American Indian but to appease the Academy I would have given it a shot.
Jews should boycott the Oscars. The Academy is so woke they don’t remember the minority group that actually invented Hollywood. Just visit the Academy museum and you’ll notice ZERO representation of Jewish Americans.
Jessie and I saw the movie, which we thought was excellent! Dennis Quaid was a fantastic Reagan! Sad that Hollywood puts out so much crap, indispersed with an occassional great movie like Reagan! I wonder who will play Trump in the movie honoring him? He will certainly warrant a movie!
How much meaning should a “Best Picture” award have if a movie has to check boxes like “diversity” to be considered? Does this suggest a movie can’t be great by placing it’s focus elsewhere? What a joke.
Reagan was Best Picture of year regardless what critics say or do! Diversity issued need to be left out- diversity issues are not always a part of a story. If it is apropriate ok. It was not appropriate to this story. To include it means it would have to be artifically included. Which would take away from this story, not add to it.
I’m surprised they didn’t cast Pedro Pascal as Reagan.
It’s fine, God is burning the entire hellbound state as we speak so it’s all good.
Pardon me if I shake my head at all comments like these, that suggest everyone in this state is hell-bound. Do I really have to tell you that almost 40% of this state voted Republican and that Christians live here too? I guess I do. We’re ALL in this TOGETHER, brother. Peace.
we are not in this together. cali chose it’s path. it diverged from reality and best practices.
people are free to leave. we do not support bad choices that affect the collective.
There are lots of great people in California . . . and lots of the well-meaning but misguided “Liberals” are waking up to reality. I seriously doubt that Gavin Newscum (misspelling intended) could get re-elected and has certainly erased any possibility of a successful presidential run. The incompetence of the California leadership has been uncovered, and well may mark a change of the direction of the state .. . . .I certainly hope it does.
Comments such as these are why we are a divided country. I am a believing Christian and have many friends and acquaintances who have no homes left. This was not an act of God, but arsons…careful what you lay on God. There are many of us here who believe in Him and my children and grandchildren live here too. They have done nothing to warrant “acts of God” such as this. Please, I beg you, pray for California and cease with casting condemnation/judgment that belongs only to a wise, merciful and loving God.
Some naturally (and it’s easy to) turn to judgment and condemnation, instead of healing. I fully agree with every word you just said, grateful to hear from likeminded people armed with better speech here to supersede weaker comments like the above. Tired of hearing ignorance such as, “Well, you live in CA, this is what you voted for, so it’s your turn to burn for it.” I grew up here and never voted for the left in my entire 57 year lifetime. Who is anyone to tell me I have to leave where I call home, where my family and aging parents are?
If one is not praying and hoping for the healing of their “enemies”, then what they wish for them is secretly what they wish for themselves within their heart. If they were to think on this, they would realize the truth of it.
What, they couldn’t find a Black lesbian to play the 40th Prez?
Quaid should get the Best Actor for Reagan. But he won’t. Hollywood lost the average movie goer a long time ago. Whatever the critics hate, movie goers love. How about give the best picture of the year the one with the largest domestic box office?