Radio Host Shreds Keillor’s Hateful Trump Rant
The Fla.-based talker and Snapchat star is known for his pop culture barbs. Yet Kaye couldn’t keep silent after reading a blistering op-ed against Donald Trump by Garrison Keillor.
For Millennials, Keillor is the driving force behind “A Prairie Home Companion,” a long-running Minnesota Public Radio show celebrating small-town America via the fictional Lake Wobegon.
Keillor wasn’t in the mood to celebrate Trump’s political ascension, though.
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“When This Is Over, You’ll Have Nothing That You Want,” went the op-ed’s headline.
Here’s a taste of what Keillor’s piece had to say about the reality show star:
Your eyes look dead and your scowl does not suggest American greatness so much as American indigestion. Your hair is the wrong color: People don’t want a president to be that shade of blond.
Kaye couldn’t stay silent. He fired off his response via his Facebook page.
Dear Mr. Keillor,
The hate does not look good on you. It’s a curmudgeon’s hate, with the loud, yet cowardly tone of a demented old Star Trek fan who wandered away from the Senior Center, found hours later by the police wandering around a parking lot and arguing with someone who isn’t there.
What a long strange trip it’s been for you. When you pulled out of the station in rural Minnesota and headed toward the bright lights of “Beloved Author and Storyteller-opolis,” did you ever think you would end up living on the mean streets of “Haters-ville?” Neither did we.
And such an unnecessary departure for you.
You can read the full letter below:
Keillor wrapped a four-decade stint as the “Companion’s” host and head writer in July.
There’s a reason Keilllor isn’t an NPR demigod anymore. Fatuous hypocrite got canned. Google it.
Keillor, like Gary Trudeau, used to be funny and even witty a long time ago. Their liberal bent was obvious but it was skillfully done with good taste. Now they are have a good day if their commentary is merely boorish.
“Your eyes look dead and your scowl does not suggest American greatness so much as American indigestion. Your hair is the wrong color: People don’t want a president to be that shade of blond.”
Are we sure he isn’t talking about Hillary here?
I thought he was dead…dead to me anyway.
All this outsider looking in, seeking of acceptance, and hoping the NYT would write something nice about you – while reading through the op-ed, I found myself wondering how much of the description was Mr. Keillor’s projection of himself?
Libs and progs have poisonous souls that they project onto everything around them. I imagine if the press would give GK the Palin rectal exam, we would find that he’s a mean, sorry son of a bitch.
Will never see Keillor the same again. If I hear his clips, now I will listen to them colored with a poisonous, very articulate, undeserved hate I did not suspect the man harbored
Garry admitted he hated the residents of Lake Woebegone.
I remember the days I listened to his radio show every Sunday with great delight. Then, one night, when Larry King still had his gig on CNN, Keillor was the guest and I just HAD to watch. For less than a minute. There was enough contempt in his eyes to fill an Olympic swimming pool. His entire face was just UGLY and not because IT was ugly, because HE was ugly. And I never listened to him again.
Garrison is so 1990.
Who would have thought a Far Left Liberal fossil would be a hateful a**hole?
Shocker, that…
Almost like there is a strain of liberal fascism wanting to order the rest of us around. Someone should write a book.
I didn’t know he was still alive until I read a little while ago that his show was ending. I listened to about 10 minutes of his show well over 20 years ago and couldn’t believe how awful it was. It was the best possible example of why the government should not establish a media outlet.
Most of his show was always aimed at a niche market, so if it wasn’t to your taste, it wouldn’t hold your attention for long. BUT, before he went off the rails (probably some time in the late 1990s), his closing monologues “Lake Wobegon Days” (and the book by the same name, as well as several other books) were ranged from good to very good to occasionally absolutely hilarious. If fact, some of his early work, while not quite what I would call conservative, presented traditional, morally conservative, rural people in a light challenging to the negative sterotypes held by leftists.