Kirk Cameron Mulls Lawsuits Against Drag Queen-Friendly Libraries
'Growing Pains' alum banned from reading book preaching kindness, tolerance

Kirk Cameron found God during his heartthrob days on ABC’s “Growing Pains.”
The sitcom star was a young man at the time, but he embraced faith at the end of the show’s seven-season run.
And it wasn’t easy for him professionally.
The actor/author opened up about that part of his life and career with the host of “The Megyn Kelly Show” on SiriusXM. Cameron said his beliefs caused a surprising amount of friction on the show’s set.
“I thought everybody would be excited about it. So often you see teenage actors wind up living a life that turns out to be a train wreck … they wind up with a gun in their hand or you see their mug shots on some tabloid magazine,” Cameron told Kelly.
“There were times people were like, ‘no, you’re gonna pull this celebrity muscle, combined with some new religious passion that you’re gonna force on people and change the show,'” he recalled. “No, really, I’m not … I just wanna do my job and go home with my girlfriend and plan my life.”
“[My faith] ruffled so many feathers it was uncomfortable working on ‘Growing Pains’ the last couple of years,” he said.
Cameron later left Hollywood, Inc. and fell into the arms of the blossoming faith-based movie realm. Films like “Fireproof,” a massive indie hit, and the recent “Lifemark,” let him continue acting while embracing the values he holds dear.
it’s why he’d like to share his latest book, “As You Grow,” with libraries across the country. The tome is the number one Amazon bestseller in the “Teen and Young Adult Christian Values and Virtuous Fiction category.
Some of the same libraries that invite drag queens to read in front of tiny children have told Cameron to stay away, according to Fox News.
Most mainstream news outlets, including Variety and The Hollywood Reporter, somehow skipped this story. Google “Kirk Cameron libraries” and you’ll see mostly right-leaning news outlets covering the story.
Cameron expounded on the matter during his Kelly chat.
“It’s not like children in public schools today are struggling with mental illness, drug overdoses, cyber-bullying and school shootings and could use a book on kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control,” Cameron said about the controversy. “What was I thinking?”
The veteran actor turned serious on the subject.
“It’s highlighting the moral war that’s going on here,” he said, noting his book celebrates kindness, tolerance and generosity. “Who would be opposed to values like this?”
He had some tough, albeit G-rated, words for the libraries refusing his request.
“Tolerance is a cloak for totalitarianism. If we don’t like your ideas, you’re out,” he said. “All I’m asking for .. is to use the same space [reserved for drag queen story hours] to teach children through their seasons of life and learn to develop patience and kindness and perseverance so they can flourish.”
His fans aren’t taking the news lying down.
“Parents and grandparents and librarians are rising up. They wanna host their own story hours in their own libraries,” he said, adding he’s sent along free copies of his books so the libraries in question can pre-read the content and see for themselves the values held within.
“If they don’t change their minds and want to continue to exclude certain viewpoints, I’m prepared to exert my constitutional rights in court,” he said. “We’re looking forward to being able to go to those libraries soon.”
Didn’t read the dumb article BUT why would you still be “mulling” taking action? LIBRARIES ARE PART OF THE US GOVERNMENT their restriction of speech IS ACTUALLY A FIRST AMENDMENT VIOLATION and not just violating it “in spirit”. So why the mull? Why not ACT? Could it be because SATAN has already JACKED HALF YOUR PARTY? With 39 FAKE CHRISTIANS and so called “Republicans” voting for Sodomite Marriage????? You people suck . And it’s no wonder that the BIBLE makes NO MENTION of the United States, we simply won’t last long enough (biblically) to matter.
Dude, calm down. That’s what Kirk Cameron will tell you.