HiT Episode No. 67 – National Review’s Jim Geraghty
Conservatives don’t know the first thing about pop culture.
There used to be some truth to that statement. Even Rush Limbaugh would trip up from time to time while expounding on the latest Hollywood headlines.
That’s changing. Ben Shapiro is well versed in the pop culture wars. So is Michelle Malkin, Andrew Klavan and many others right-leaning voices.
National Review’s senior political correspondent Jim Geraghty falls squarely in this welcome new camp.
Sure, Geraghty’s Morning Jolt is essential reading for the politically astute. He’s also a keen observer of Hollywood machinations.
That matters now … more … than …ever.
The HiT ‘cast chatted with Jim about conservative sucker punches, exposing the family to great movies and much more on this new episode.
Listen to “HiT Episode 67 Jim Geraghty” on Spreaker.
Please follow Jim on Twitter @jimgeraghty and read his columns at the National Review. Need more? Listen to classic episodes of “The Jim and Mickey Show,” AKA #TJAMS. He promises new shows are on the way.
Also pick up his great book on parenting – “Heavy Lifting: Grow Up, Get a Job, Raise a Family, and Other Manly Advice” and his stinging D.C. satire “The Weed Agency: A Comic Tale of Federal Bureaucracy Without Limits
CNN’s Jake Tapper called “The Weed Agency” a “fun glimpse into the fake-but-accurate world of bureaucratic infighting.”