Some of The Babylon Bee’s funniest work boils down to a perfect headline.
FEMA Warns They Don’t Have The Resources To Block Humanitarian Aid For Next Hurricane
The accompanying faux news article is almost superfluous (it’s still worth a read). That one line cuts through political malfeasance like a Ginzu knife. It’s why corrupt fact checkers pounce and seize on the Bee so often.
So can the right-leaning Bee’s brand of satire extend to a feature-length film? “January 6: The Most Deadliest Day” answers that question.
Babylon Bee Editor-in-Chief Kyle Mann anchors the mockumentary as ace reporter Garth Strudelfudd. He walks us through both Jan. 6 and why the media and Democrats pretend that riot was one of the worst days in American history.
Except good ol’ Garth buys into every last lie.
Mann finds the right tone for the material and never breaks character. He’s smug, ignorant and eager to misinform his “expert” guests. Said guests, including Dennis Prager, The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles and radio talker Eric Metaxas, play along with the joke.
Again, the tone is precise and necessary.
The film offers up a grab bag of comic conceits, breaking the fourth wall one moment then uncorking “man on the street” interviews the next. News clip barrages pepper the film, reminding us that truth is not only stranger than fiction but funnier.
Crisp editing helps. So does the dense presentation. You won’t find many comic lulls here. If one gag fails, a half-dozen quickly follow. Most land with authority.
10 Deadly Days In History That Were Still Less Deadly Than January 6 https://t.co/h47pIb1Ykg pic.twitter.com/eYr4N5UFtr
— The Babylon Bee (@TheBabylonBee) September 8, 2024
Running gags abound, from torching the “end of democracy” blather to hunting for the QAnon Shaman AKA Buffalo Guy. The film even overlaps with Nick Searcy’s invaluable work tied to government overreach. “Deadliest Day” mocks how the U.S. Government threw the book at people who simply entered the Capitol on Jan. 6 but let far more violent progressives walk.
That’s not funny. At all. Somehow, the film makes it so.
“Deadliest Day” isn’t just consistently hilarious. It has a point to make. Several, actually. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real and lousy for the body politic.
“Trump committed horrible atrocities throughout his four years in office. He gave journalists only one scoop of ice cream when he got two. He force fed unsuspecting kids McDonald’s cheeseburgers until they all burst … to death.”
Democrats turned an ugly riot with the worst optics possible into something historically bad, all for political purposes.
And, of course, the media is awful. Dreadful. Terrible. Crooked.
We know that already, but The Bee puts an exclamation mark on the point. Several, to be precise.
The Bee, an openly Christian satire site, routinely mocks people of faith and, yes, President Trump. The film does the latter, to a degree, teasing the undying fealty MAGA nation has for its leader.
The mockumentary saves its knockout punch for the waning seconds. No spoilers here, but it might come as a shock to anyone weaned on CNN.
But wait, there’s even more. A final montage shows the Left’s hypocrisy has no bounds. We needed a movie like “January 6: The Most Deadliest Day,” and Hollywood wouldn’t deliver.
The Bee just did.
A final note: If you visit YouTube for information on the film you’ll find a Wikipedia-based “fact check” about January 6. Satire has never been more important than right now.
HiT or Miss: “January 6: The Most Deadliest Day” is smart, subversive and a necessary corrective to our warped media landscape.
Would be great to see this go the Daily Wire route and get a theatrical run, but theater owners would probably be justifiably worried about having their establishments burned down by Antifa.
It’d be great to know how to see it: 🙂 Please add that. Otherwise, great job letting us know about a great movie!
You have to be a member of The Babylon Bee website. It cost $10 a month and you can cancel anytime. Not sure if you can watch on a TV or have to watch on a phone or computer.
They had a physical release on their website, but I’m not sure if there’s still copies. We purchased one and don’t have a Bee Membership.
Thank you for sharing that information. I wasn’t aware of this … your comment will be helpful to others.