Goldthwait on Hollywood and Weinstein: ‘They Knew’

The list of those skeptical of Hollywood’s woke bona fides keeps growing.
When The New York Times reported on serial sexual assault allegations against producer Harvey Weinstein in October it rocked Hollywood.
A bevy of big names soon followed, from director Brett Ratner to Oscar winner Kevin Spacey. The industry collectively recoiled over the headlines, vowing via the #MeToo movement to flush out sexaul predators once and for all.
A smaller group questioned why Weinstein’s behavior, an “open secret” to some, remained under wraps for so long. In short … they knew.
It’s why conservative street artist Sabo constructed installations mocking Hollywood stars like Seth Meyers for their silence.
L.A. street artist Sabo posted around Rodeo Drive; for Sunday’s Golden Globes awards show.Hollywood elites attending will get a rude reminder.”THEY ALL KNEW” Sabo Rocks.. #Trump #LNYHBT #teaparty #tcot #tlot #vets #pjnet
— Russ Hansen (@RussHansen51) January 7, 2018
Now, a far-left figure is joining the doubting chorus: eccentric filmmaker Bobcat Goldthwait.
The stand-up turned director told Indiewire’s Turn It On podcast about his new project, “Misfits & Monsters” and its real-world implications. One episode clunkily deals with the rise of Donald Trump. Another features a masturbating chimp, riffing on Louis C.K.’s career collapse and industry sexism.
Turns out the chimp had more than a few folks willing to look the other way rather than exposing his antics.
“The topical nature of that story isn’t what interests me as much as there’s a hypocrisy from my fellow peers, and I’m not even talking about the abusers, there’s a hypocrisy where they knew this stuff was going on and they facilitated it and now they’re saying, ‘hey we’ve got to listen to women.’ And it’s bulls*** because they knew what was going on.”
He isn’t done, although his follow-up comments suggest some hypocrisy on his part.
Goldthwait said he has refused to work with at least two different men over the years “because they’re predators. So I can sleep at night. Every day there’s a new person in the press, and it’s just, at the end of the day the message is, men have to shut up and listen. If you comment on that, you’re not shutting up and listening. Just shut up!”
Sounds like Goldthwaith “shut up” rather than alert his fellow stars there were predators in their midst?
Photo by A-Glass-Darkly on / CC BY