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We the Internet TV Shames Liberal Comics (Again)

The comedy world desperately needs balance. Enter We the Internet TV.

The outlet delivers politically-charged comedy with a difference. You rarely, if ever, know what’s coming next.

That can’t be said of today’s late night shows.

Just scan the latest headlines and you more or less know what Colbert, Kimmel and co. will mock before bedtime. If the news involves President Donald Trump, they’re on it. And they’ll tackle the most negative coverage first, second and fifth.Whatfinger News

Even more predictable? Entertainment news outlets will regurgitate every last Trump dig like it’s breaking news.

Comedians are generally left of center, and they’ve never let that dictate their material as much as it does today. “Saturday Night Live” may be the most stark example. A show that once railed against President Bill Clinton is now so invested in the DNC it sings hosannas to outgoing Democrats.

That makes modern humor exasperating. Surprise remains an essential element in making us laugh. If we know what’s coming next, where’s the shock value?

We the Internet TV doesn’t have that problem. Just look at the topics the gang covered in recent weeks.

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The channel’s pranksters outdid themselves recently, tackling both President Barack Obama’s legacy and our outrage-obsessed culture.

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The clip tweaked Obama’s drone policy as well as the media’s reluctance to criticize it in a robust manner. Host Lou Perez also mocked our obsession with digging into people’s pasts to wreck their future.


You want more balance? Here you go. (this one’s a bit randy, but the critical word is consistently bleeped out)

The best hookup app for the outrage era | We The Internet TV

That’s not to say We the Internet TV ignores President Trump or is as hopelessly one-sided as Late Night Nation. The channel’s pranksters don’t mind tweaking both sides in the grand “South Park” tradition.

So if you want fresh, smart comedy – subscribe to the show’s YouTube channel. You won’t know what’s coming next … thank goodness.

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