HiT Podcast No. 23 – Lou Perez (We The Internet TV)

Lou Perez mocked both Christian and progressive protesters recently in a comedy skit dubbed “Up Your Protest Game.”
Most comics would tackle the former. A rarefied few might target the latter. For Perez, funny is funny, period.
It’s one way his troupe’s signature video show, We The Internet TV, is different than most online channels. The comedy shop leans to the right. Still, Perez and co. refuse to pull punches. And, at a time when progressives are serving up so much comedic red meat, We The Internet TV is having a ball.
Suffice to say you won’t find material like that on “Saturday Night Live” anytime soon. Perez is equally opposed to telling jokes that draw applause, not laughter.
The comedian broke down his comedy approach on the latest HiT ‘cast. He shared his start in the field, his father’s unique advice and why today’s comics better act fast … or else.
Listen to “HiT Episode 23 Lou Perez of We the Internet TV” on Spreaker.
Please check out “Unsafe Space,” Perez’s podcast with fellow comedian Toby Muresianu as well as his live “Unsafe Space” show. Both serve up the kind of witty, but rational, discourse that’s often missing in today’s culture.
How … refreshing.
Need a content tip: The We The Internet TV star recommends ShortOfTheWeek.com. The short films on the site cover the entertainment gamut, and Perez suspects you’ll be hooked like he is after sampling the site.
Follow Lou Perez on Twitter @LOUontheSUBWAY. And check out Young Americans for Liberty while you’re at it.
We The Internet TV makes some serious, and scary, points in this “Silence U.” mini-documentary.