Industry News

Tom Arnold Attacks Melania Trump in Grossest Way Possible

Comic actor Tom Arnold dedicated an entire TV show to taking down President Donald Trump.

No spoiler alert required: Arnold’s “The Hunt for the Trump Tapes” on Viceland didn’t get the job done. The show itself lasted just one season.

Still, the “Roseanne” alum remains one of the most ardent anti-Trump voices in Hollywood, even if his career can’t Whatfinger Newsquite match the fire from fellow Trump critics Rob Reiner, Robert De Niro and Mark Ruffalo (to name a few).

The aforementioned names routinely savage both President Trump and his administration. Still, they generally avoid targeting First Lady Melania Trump.

Even professional comics tread carefully when it comes to First Ladies, past and present. It’s a cultural sign of respect, plus an acknowledgement that these wives avoid nasty partisan battles.

The previous First Lady, Michelle Obama did just that for two terms.

So what Arnold Tweeted earlier today is both shocking and wildly out of bounds by societal norms. [Caution: adult language ahead]

tom arnold Melania Trump

This isn’t the first time Arnold used Twitter to toxic effect. He previously suggested Justice Brett Kavanaugh molested children without a scrap of evidence. He also told black conservative activist and talk show host Candace Owens to “suck racist d***.” says Arnold has three projects in pre-production now. Will any of those film companies cut ties with Arnold in grand Cancel Culture fashion?

Remember, had he slammed First Lady Michelle Obama like he did the current First Lady his Apology Tour would last for months, if not years.

That’s assuming he’d ever work again.


  1. I worked with this complete Nimrod on his “The Tom Show”..Warner Bro’s was kissing Rosies ass ,(trying to sign her.) ..Lizard Lips(what the crew called ,always licking his lips) ..This was during their 2nd Wife time..The Pizza Delivery Girl that could,,,well…..One night(Pre shoot) ,after an hour trying to make A gag less scary for this Sissy..His hands were Shaking for shites sake…..I finally said out of frustration..”Geez Tom! …Stop being such a PUSSY! ..What did this Brave ,Im gonna punch Trump ,guy do?…NOTHING … As the crew Laughed ,he turned Red Faced and looked at his shoes…The Director said…wrap it ,we’ll rewrite it and everyone went home..40 years in the business…This Clown is the Most unprofessional actor ever…Should have seen his act when Rosie (shes vicious))verbally assaulted him over and ,with the Crew present…”Ok Rosie..Im Here Rosie’….Hes a Talentless COWARD…only in Hollywood could such a Fool make a living…I wonder what ever happened to the Pizza Delivery Girl…

  2. Arnold is an addict, a failure at life…his utterances have the same value as the yapping of a dog from a passing car.

  3. God Pleas smite this Heathen! P.s. Please Look out for Flotus. Keep Her safe from scum like this.

  4. Arnold was abusive to Roseanne during their marriage but then he benefited from the millions he got from Roseannes wealth. They were the crazyist pair on tv.

  5. Why do the absolutely most insignificant “celebrities” get headlines for trying to trash the First Lady?

  6. This feces-snorting right-sided-brain-dead-liberal clown ehas made enemies of MILLIONS of people who could have a sneezing fit when he crosses the street…splat!!! bump. bump. Hey, Tom, get your feces off my tires!

  7. Well, he does have the mind-ravaging disease of liberal-dick-suck-for-movie-part syndrome.

  8. The problem here is ,you keep giving Tom a voice,stop telling us what he says hes crazy and no,we dont care what he says.

  9. Arnold is nothing but a lowlife Hollywierd punk. I would have said he was and is a PIG, but that would be an insult to all livestock Pigs!

  10. This is the mentality that wants to run America, it can’t be allowed to happen! Democrats must be sent back to HEII!

    Never vote for a Democrat, NEVER!

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