HiT Episode No. 102 – Ted Balaker (‘Little Pink House’)
Ted Balaker’s most recent film could be described as a “message” movie.
That’s not the way he envisioned it.
Yes, frustration over Susette Kelo’s story sparked “Little Pink House,” a film about eminent domain abuse. Still, Balaker approached the material, alongside his wife/director Courtney Moorehead Balaker, by keeping the narrative foremost in mind. It’s one reason the Libertarian-leaning project cajoled progressive singer David Crosby to pen an original tune for the film.
Balaker says that approach honors the story while letting audiences ponder the big picture. It’s also how he ducks the label of an ideological filmmaker. He cares more about characters, scripts and drama than partisan score keeping.
That’s evident with “Little Pink House,” one of 2018’s nicest surprises.
Balaker discussed his unique approach to filmmaking, why the story behind his 2016 documentary “Can We Take a Joke?” is far from over and much more on the latest HiT ‘cast.
Listen to “HiT Episode 102 Ted Balaker (‘Can We Take a Joke?’)” on Spreaker.
Here’s the op-ed referenced during the interview from comedian Nimesh Patel, who got booted off of a campus for telling a “wrong” woke joke.
Also please visit HiT ‘cast sponsor Speakeasy Ideas, a critical ally for homeschooling parents and so much more. Here’s a sample lesson to start you in the right direction.