Sarah Silverman Stung By 11 Killer ‘Alt Left’ Burns

Sarah Silverman prides herself on being woke. Well informed? That’s another matter.
The far-left comic fired off a surly Tweet Wednesday that echoed the mainstream media narrative about the “Alt-Left.”
To sum up the media groupthink … what’s that?
It’s almost as if we haven’t seen a steady flow of anger, violence and destruction coming from hard-left activists for the past seven months.
Somehow Silverman missed that, too. Here’s her fiery response to veteran reporter Brit Hume regarding the “alt-left.”
The violent alt left is something that was invented today by scumbags who don’t want to alienate their Nazi base.
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) August 16, 2017
Tough stuff. And, of course, ignorant. Good thing her fellow Twitter users quickly set her straight. Here are the 11 best responses (so far) hoping to illuminate the issue for her.
So…Berkeley riots, 5 cops shot in Dallas, Rep. Scalise shooting, Oregon train stabbing, Ferguson riots…that was ALL made up today?
— MrClarkJosephKent (@MrClarkJKent) August 16, 2017
Thanks for clearing this up. So I guess those Antifa riots in Berkeley a few months ago were a figment of my Nazi imagination?
— RollTide (@CarlDemark) August 16, 2017
Do you know who these 2 are?
— Howard Roark Laughed (@Major_Skidmark) August 16, 2017
— (((Charlie Martin))) (@chasrmartin) August 16, 2017
so you missed how they burned down Ferguson ? Baltimore ? killed 5 cops in Dallas ?
— Ronnie C (@RiseAgain) August 16, 2017
— Deplorable Pete 🇺🇸 (@DeplorePete) August 16, 2017
Bay Area professor, Eric Clanton..he put bike locks in a sock & bashed @POTUS supporters over the head (trial pending) Do your research!
— CRobinS (@In2HotH2O) August 16, 2017
Today? You really do live in a bubble.
— Enrique DeLeon (@thebadmariachi) August 16, 2017
Antifa wants to stifle free speech, and do it with violent acts; attacking police, other protesters, and institutions. They ARE the fascists
— Scotch Brian 👌 (@brianhowell1) August 16, 2017
But didn’t you write something about a violent military overthrow of the election results?
— Marshall Albritton (@MAlbritton2016) August 16, 2017
I knew Beinart was a Nazi:
— Marcus T. Cicero (@cedantarmatog1) August 16, 2017
Less hate now than during obama’s 8 years. The media just choose not to show it.