Left Attacks Racial Comedy, Is Censorship Next?

The new indie comedy “Loqueesha” is scheduled to hit theaters July 12
If some voices on the left have any say in the matter, the movie won’t make its release date. That’s assuming the film exists at all.
More on that in a moment.
The film, from writer/director Jeremy Saville, follows a down on his luck dad trying to raise money for his kid’s expensive school. He tries, and fails, to land a radio show before stumbling on a different plan.
He concocts a new personality, a saucy black woman named Loqueesha, and pitches a show in her voice. He lands the gig and becomes a local sensation.
Did we mention Saville is white?
Naturally, what might have been a wacky, race-based comedy 20 years ago is now considered off limits in some circles. The usual suspects, including one rather prominent comedian, are waging war against the film, sight unseen.
It’s not hard to imagine a boycott starting, followed by the film’s postponement. It’s what some social media users crave already.
Uproxx, a reliably liberal entertainment site, attacked the film’s premise and its star in no uncertain terms. The site weaponized Twitter reactions to do so, including “blue checkmark” types as well as far-left comic Patton Oswalt.
how in the who in the why in the actual fuck:https://t.co/0LQzz361dL
— Patton Oswalt (@pattonoswalt) May 10, 2019
The film’s official Twitter site responded:
First of all, thanks for chiming in Patton. If you are interested in the answers to your question, I’m happy to invite you to see the movie and have a conversation afterward. Let me know and we’ll set it up! Have a great weekend.
— Loqueesha (@LoqueeshaMovie) May 11, 2019
The Uproxx article’s verbiage reveals plenty.
A trailer, which you can watch above, also dropped, just to prove Loqueesha isn’t an elaborate, devastating joke about hubristic white people who maybe shouldn’t feel so comfortable talking publicly about race in America.
Yes, some people aren’t allowed to discuss select topics in public. Can we have a master list, please, to prevent some “problematic” conversations from taking place?
This isn’t the first time the Left tried to squash a project before its release. Remember the outcry over “Confederate?” The HBO series asked what would happen if slavery never went away in the South.
It’s an audacious premise, no doubt, from the creative team behind “Game of Thrones” – David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. And, given the political leanings of most Hollywood fare, likely would have shared progressive commentary on race relations today.
That didn’t stop Leftists from rising up against the project. HBO, in turn, backpedaled madly. First, the network apologized for the inelegant rollout. Then, HBO announced two black artists would be part of the show’s creative team – Nichelle Tramble Spellman and Malcolm Spellman.
For context, Benioff and Weiss are white.
RELATED: Women’s March Demands ‘Confederate’ Get Scrapped
The project is on hold while that duo focuses on new “Star Wars” features. HBO insists the show will be made eventually.
The “Loqueesha” story could get even more bizarre, though.
A film festival cited in the promotional copy for the movie claims it never screened the film. Others suggest the film itself doesn’t exist. It’s a massive troll effort for unknown purposes.
The film’s official Instagram site embraces the controversy. It’s sharing harsh messages aimed at the film.
View this post on Instagram
So there’s a movie coming out called #Loqueesha… IF THIS AINT THE MOST RACIST SHIT IVE SEEN…
If this is all performance art, it’s brilliant.
Now, the film itself could be wildly offensive, a train wreck in search of an audience.
So what?
Can’t a comedy push buttons? Should some subjects be ruled off limits? Shouldn’t audiences decide if it’s hip, funny and thought provoking or a tasteless dud on par with “The Room?”
Too many prefer those choices shouldn’t be available to us. In a way, “Loqueesha” is a success already for making that crystal clear.