Industry NewsOpinionMedia Bias

Why Is Legacy Media Attacking Karla Sofía Gascón?

Variety compares Best Actress nominee to Trump in latest skewering

It doesn’t take a genius to spot media bias.

Loaded phrases are the first clue, like calling anyone appointed by President Donald Trump a “loyalist.” Do other presidents tap contrarians for key roles?

The second? What stories get left behind and which ones get all the attention? Reporters routinely ignore select stories, like the wave of censorship attacks on Jewish artists over the past year.

The third? How slowly legacy outlets tackle a given story. When Anthony Mackie’s quote about Captain America not representing America went viral, media outlets stood down until they could frame the story around his backpedal.

In our lightning-fast digital age, delays speak volumes.

(Remember how legacy media waited WEEKS to cover Tara Reade’s sexual assault allegations against then-Sen. Joe Biden?)

It’s also clear when reporters want to besmirch celebrities or hurt their chances of winning awards. It’s happening in real time with Karla Sofía Gascón of “Emilia Pérez” fame.

Emilia Pérez | Official Trailer | Netflix


The film stars Gascón as a male drug kingpin who transitions into Emilia, part of a personal makeover that grants her a new lease on life. The role earned Gascón a Best Actress nomination. It’s the first time a trans female scored such an honor.

The good vibes didn’t last long.

Gascón is under fire for old social media posts. Some merely contrast with the preferred progressive narrative. The actress’ cynical take on the late George Floyd comes to mind.

Others are more alarming, like a post that goes shockingly soft on Adolf Hitler. The story has serious legs, with various outlets finding new ways to extend the narrative.

Day after day. Article after article. That’s no accident. 

Gascón helped, in part, by crying through a new interview on the subject. The actress played the Victim Card along the way.

Here’s how Variety is framing the story now.

Karla Sofía Gascón may not be running for office, but her off-the-rails Oscar campaign has sucked all the energy out of this year’s award season — and made her look less like the anti-Trump and, well, more like the 45th and 47th President himself.

Comparing Gascón to Trump is the very worst thing Variety could say about the “Emilia Pérez” nominee. Full stop. 

Previously, Variety said the actress’ comments cast a pall on the upcoming Oscars ceremony.

Gascón is “An awards-season star whose existence makes one wish the Oscars weren’t even happening.

But why?

It could be due to the film’s legion of critics. “Emilia Pérez” may be woke on the surface, but some progressives are aghast at the film’s content. GLAAD is not on board with “Emilia Pérez,” for starters.

The gay rights group said the Netflix film isn’t “good trans representation.” GLAAD suggested the film is potentially “dangerous” to the trans community.

Naysayers complain the film’s Mexico-heavy themes, including storylines about drug cartels, deserve scorn, not Oscars. The film also wasn’t shot in Mexico and didn’t employ enough Mexicans on the cast and crew, others claim.

Co-star Selena Gomez’s accent also came under scrutiny.

Now, even Netflix is pumping the brakes on the star’s Oscar chances.

Yes, Oscar voters showered the movie with 13 nominations – more than most movie classics. The musical won the Best Actress (ensemble) prize at last year’s Cannes Film Festival. Gascón’s film also took home the Golden Globe for Best Film (musical or comedy) early last month.

Emilia Pérez Wins Best Picture – Musical/Comedy | 82nd Annual Golden Globes

Still, the message has unofficially gone out – take down Gascón at all costs before March 2 – Oscar night. And, possibly, “Emilia Pérez” too.

The media is simply following orders.


  1. This sounds like a quarrel among crazy Leftists. Those who talk about reopening mental institutions don’t realize just how far new and old madnesses have proliferated in Western–and especially in Anglo-American–society. We would have to devote entire islands to this segregation effort. Maybe that’s why Trump is so keen on Greenland.

  2. “It’s the first time a trans female scored such an honor.”

    No, it’s not, because “trans females” aren’t a real thing. They’re men pretending to be women. You’re wise enough to know that language matters in discussions like this, so I can only conclude that you’re complicit with coddling the delusions of a mentally ill man. Shame on you, Mr. Toto.

      1. I can almost accept trans woman (although I don’t like male appropriation of the word woman) since “woman” has also become known as a social construct meaning someone with more typically feminine characteristics. But trans female is wrong. To me, female and male are sex descriptors based on chromosomes, not feelings. Karla Sofia Gascon will never be female. Doesn’t matter if he gets a revised birth certificate, passport, driver’s license, etc. Birth certificates should not be revised except for clerical error or in the case of intersex persons when testing later reveals the sex of the baby visually observed and recorded at birth was incorrect. Add a gender or ID indicator on passport, driver’s license and other forms of identification for those who self-identify as other than the female or male sex they were born as.

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