Kristen Stewart Ties Herself in Knots with Woke Casting Platitudes
The 'Twilight' alum defends 'Happiest Season' project, vows to appease PC mob

Kristen Stewart starred in one of the biggest woke bombs in recent memory.
Her 2019 flop “Charlie’s Angels” did more than stop a franchise dead in its tracks. The film’s woke posturing helped seal its box office fate. The woke began with the very first line of dialogue, spoken by the “Twilight” alum herself.
Off screen, Stewart shares much of that progressive posturing. That proved especially true during a recent interview to promote her same-sex romance, Hulu’s “Happiest Season.”
The original film casts Stewart as a lesbian Millennial planning to propose to her girlfriend (Mackenzie Davis, “Terminator: Dark Fate“). Stewart’s character is shocked to learn her sweetheart hasn’t “come out” to her own family yet, complicating her proposal plan.
Now, she’s seizing upon the film’s LGBTQ content, and casting, for a fresh interview by the far-left Variety.
The interviewer asks Stewart about the prevailing woke wisdom that gay actors should play gay characters. Stewart had plenty to say on the matter, tying herself in rhetorical knots along the way.
She starts by confessing to her “abundance” of privilege, a woke necessity. The rest deserves to be explained line by line:
I would never want to tell a story that really should be told by somebody who’s lived that experience.
So playing mass murderers is out, apparently? More seriously, this kind of thinking should be anathema to an actor’s mission statement.
Having said that, it’s a slippery slope conversation because that means I could never play another straight character if I’m going to hold everyone to the letter of this particular law.
Is she having a red pill moment? Yes … and no.
There are ways for men to tell women’s stories, or ways for women to tell men’s stories. But we need to have our finger on the pulse and actually have to care. You kind of know where you’re allowed.
Right … and wrong. Any male artist telling a female driven story should have a sense of the character’s authenticity. You wouldn’t write a female character with all the characteristics of the male mind, for example, unless in extreme cases to make a point.
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What does she mean be “allowed,” though? She’s talking about the Woke Police here, and for an artist to embrace this philosophy is mind-boggling. Artists should extol free expression, the ability to tell stories on their terms. Audiences can judge if they’ve been successful or not.
I mean, if you’re telling a story about a community and they’re not welcoming to you, then f*** off.
What? Do these communities all speak in one voice? Since when? Who decides on said voice? Most black Americans vote for Democrats. Does that mean a screenwriter can’t write a sympathetic story featuring a black conservative? Is she really thinking this through?
But if they are, and you’re becoming an ally and a part of it and there’s something that drove you there in the first place that makes you uniquely endowed with a perspective that might be worthwhile, there’s nothing wrong with learning about each other.
Thank you for letting artists be artists. Phew!
I will say, Mackenzie is not somebody who identifies as a lesbian. She was the only person in my mind that could have played this with me. Sometimes, artfully speaking, you’re just drawn to a certain group of people. I could defend that, but I’m sure that somebody with a different perspective could make me feel bad about that — and then make me renege on everything I’ve just said.
She’s admitting the rules make no sense. Moreso, she’s giving up her artistic rights to outside pressure groups with their own agendas.
I acknowledge the world that we live in. And I absolutely would never want to traipse on someone else’s opportunity to do that — I would feel terrible about that.
She’s afraid, no doubt. She’s also aware of the PC Police and will happily obey their dictates should they ever disagree with one of her casting decisions.
In a way, she’s following in the dubious footsteps of bigger stars like Scarlett Johansson and Halle Berry. They both quickly gave up roles after pressure groups demanded they do so.
Stewart is essentially let those groups know she’ll do their bidding without complaint. Heck, she might sooner than later apologize for starring alongside a women who doesn’t identify as gay in “Happiest Season.”