
HiT Episode No. 112 – Comedian Jamie Kilstein

Jamie Kilstein could spend his days blasting the Right in the cruelest ways possible.

All the cool comics are doing it. Heck it’s how he used to roll on Twitter, too.

Instead, Kilstein looked inward. He even penned a provocative piece for Quillette on how he reassessed his own social media presence.

“I Sold My Soul on Twitter. Now I’m Trying to Win It Back.”

The article led to some blistering attacks from fellow liberals. Kilstein refused to back down. He shifted gears professionally, turning his signature podcast into a forum where he examines both the Left and the Right. He welcomes open debate without the usual labels.

Yes, he’s still liberal, but he isn’t automatically taking sides when news breaks. And he knows, career wise, it’s the worst path he could follow.

Kilstein describes that transformation, what modern liberals speak of in hushed tones and so much more on the latest HiT ‘cast.

Listen to “HiT Episode No. 112 Comedian Jamie Kilstein” on Spreaker.

Please give Kilstein’s podcast a try – you can find it on iTunes, Stitcher and Spotify. Crave more? Subscribe to his Patreon account for a mere $3/month for exclusive podcast content.

You can follow him on social media via Twitter (@jamiekilstein), Instagram and Facebook.

BONUS: Here’s Jamie Kilstein on The Joe Rogan Experience:

Joe Rogan Experience #1031 - Jamie Kilstein


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