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Karma Comes for James Cameron, ‘Avatar’ Franchise

Woke director once cheered attacks from Right. Now, the Left is savaging him

James Cameron makes messages movies these days, and he has no qualms admitting it.

The “Aliens” director told the L.A. Times that back in 2010, weeks after his sci-fi epic “Avatar” conquered the box office. The film extolled the beauty of Mother Nature, cursing those eager to plunder its resources.

Avatar | Official Trailer (HD) | 20th Century FOX

The film’s messages drew conservative angst on several fronts, something which tickled the Oscar-winner. The film, according to select conservative outlets, delivered an anti-American, anti-human message.

“I’m happy to piss those guys off. I don’t agree with their world view,” he told the far-Left newspaper following right-leaning critiques of “Avatar’s” agenda.

Cameron disagreed with naysayers, but anyone watching the original film or “Avatar: The Way of Water” will see the human race depicted in the worst possible manner. And they’re all speaking English with colloquialisms you wouldn’t hear from English or Canadian characters.


Conservatives have softened their attacks on Cameron’s franchise following “Water’s” release.


The film is a full-on advertisement for strong, nuclear families. That message got little attention in the press, and Cameron didn’t elaborate on it during various press interviews.

Now, it’s the Left that’s attacking Cameron, and it’s unclear how he’s taking the barbs from his own side.

In recent weeks animal rights activists scorched Cameron for attending an “Avatar”-themed dolphin event featuring the aquatic creatures performing for the public. Cameron apologized to his critics, contending he didn’t know what was planned for the event.

Native American activists vowed to boycott “The Way of Water” for so-called cultural appropriation.

Even when Cameron attempted the ultimate virtue signal over gun violence he caught heat. The director said he snipped out 10 minutes of what he considered gratuitous gunplay from “The Way of Water” because real-world gun violence is so upsetting.

He also apologized for his older, classic films like the “Terminator” franchise which featured extensive gun violence.

“I look back on some films that I’ve made, and I don’t know if I would want to make that film now. I don’t know if I would want to fetishize the gun, like I did on a couple of Terminator movies 30-plus years ago, in our current world. What’s happening with guns in our society turns my stomach … I’m happy to be living in New Zealand where they just banned all assault rifles two weeks after that horrific mosque shooting a couple of years ago.”

Enter Gizmodo, which blasted Cameron from the Left on that stance. The outlet called the director “self-righteous” and noted how much gun violence remains in “The Way of Water.”

Jake Sully, a former marine, and one of the main characters of the Avatar franchise, is a character who notoriously loves a gun. When the rest of the Na’vi are reaching for bows and arrows, Jake’s hiking an AR onto his shoulder and aiming it at the nearest target…Later, Jake even explains to the Metkayina people that human technology, aka guns, will wipe them out easily. (Which is probably why Jake almost exclusively uses a gun during the big whale battle, so he has a fighting chance.) If Cameron really wanted to avoid fetishizing guns, maybe they shouldn’t have been such a huge symbol of power.

The irony?

Cancel Culture and the woke revolution didn’t exist in 2009. It does now, though, and its proponents don’t stop with critiquing art – always a fair and respectable process. They often want it censored or punished so aggressively the artist will think twice before creating similar art again.

Take your poison. Censorship or self-censorship.

Conservatives would be the first ones to defend Cameron’s right to tell his story, his way. They may critique his motives and agenda, but their barbs aren’t meant to silence the filmmaker.

Can all of Cameron’s progressive critics say the same?


  1. Hahaha, I stopped at calling L.A. Times “far left” then looked at the title of this site. Conservatives have mental constipation, nothing of value at all to say except projecting their own ugly insecurities. Literally, everything. Disinfecting my Google recommends of this poopsack.

  2. I love it not the movie mind you the liberals eating their own. If humans can travel to new world where are the energy weapons at?

  3. I go to movies to be entertained, not to be beat over the head with some Marxist’s hateful ideology.

    Stop funding this crap and eventually they’ll make some movies worth seeing.

    Cameron is garbage and so is every movie he’s made since Aliens. Stop giving him $$.

  4. I guess I’m stupid. I just go to these movies and I don’t think anything about anything. Just enjoy being off of my couch watching mind-numbing things on that format. Thanks for the once-in-awhile relief I can feel by going to the movie house…

  5. Who wrote this article.. is it satire?
    No one on the left is coming from him and whoever wrote this nonsense needs to just quit writing and basically do anything BUT write !!

  6. These conversations are only revealing how everyone is literally focused on something somewhere that hurt them in the past… now I’m hearing a lot of racist remarks said to white people in tv and film and noone knows the depths of that persons heart, who taqhey are or aren’t friends with and yet paint with broad brushes very Serious imaginings about who they are and how their lived experience somehow has any impact on their own lives and they dont…. Everybody needs to stop sweating all of these woke narratives and simply live as good decent people outside of the Woke hive mind…. You have woke ideas, but stay grounded…oh and the ones that are screaming the loudest, they are usually the ones that want the most attention because they missed out on feeling important as a child and are now hijacking movements such as this to promote and better their own social standing and social class and for Social Media…*•its all for social currency…so you see the idea of virtue gets lost really quick when you see what it is all truly about and finally we are left with the truth of it all , The Woke Mob isn’t helping anymore than an alt right mob did….reach the real people in the middle thats where the thinking takes place, the feelings are authentic, and where whats closest to the truth as to where we collectively all are with regards to this moment in history exists.

  7. honestly it’s bad enough that you people who cannot construct a sentence have to be here, it’s mindboggling that someone might actually be paying you to to blather this garbage

  8. This is why we can’t have nice things. It’s always going to offend someone and they’re going to try to ruin it for everyone else. Is it that hard to just enjoy the damn movies?

  9. I watched “Avatar 2:the way of water”.

    It sucked. No real story, no emotional depth, no interesting characters or events.

    Mostly just a “hey look at my neat CGI backgrounds! …For an 2.5 hours with 30 mins of story shoehorned in.

    (Big “sky people return and burn down forest” scene.
    The “Indigenous Population” analog raid a train.

    Dead Space Marines get reincarnated in Navi (blue alien) bodies.
    Space Marines do a raid, capturing a left behind human baby who “went native”
    Jake Sully gets scared for family, runs away.
    Lots and lots of scenery for a travel to the “water tribes”.
    Get taken in.
    Kids fight with water tribe bullies.
    Kids fight again with water tribe bullies.
    Bullies lure sully’s teenager to dangerous part of ocean to be killed.
    More cgi water scenes
    CGI “run away from space killer whales”
    CGI ride flying fish scenes
    CGI swimming/diving scenes
    CGI “make a giant fish buddy” scenes
    Space Marines raid villages
    CGI swimming/diving
    CGI “teen boy says ‘bro’ 250 times a day” scenes
    CGI “kill whales for a liter of magic brain juice” and leave the rest to rot scenes.
    Battle to save whales.

    1. I enjoyed the movie but I also agree with your point. TBH it felt pretty much like the same exact things that were going on in the first, not really a “true” continuation of the story. All the pretty effects were the star of the film imo.

  10. I love my guns….why not go our to your nearest gang neighborhood and tell them you are there to collect their guns…when you are runn8ng from them…do not call anyone that owns a gun legally to protect your idiot pea brain

  11. This end of this article is as pathetic as both the right and left. The conservatives blasted the first avatar. They are attacking anyone who tells a story in a way they don’t like. Both sides are braindead and need to be erased from existence

  12. Guess what. Avatar 2 is approaching 2 billion globally. What does that tell you?? This story is FALSE. Click bait.

  13. Laser guns,no..but..directed energy weapons ARE real( crowd suppression,non- lethal they say,anyway,))..annnd..remember..the humans came back to Pandora for vengeance,so the nav’ HAVE to protect themselves,right??

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