HiT Episode No. 127 – Jake Klein (‘No Safe Spaces’)

Jake Klein graduated from college in the nick of time.
Klein spotted the rise of PC groupthink in 2014, but it hadn’t swamped collegiate culture yet. Plenty has changed in such five short years.
Safe spaces. Speech codes. Conservative speakers chased off of campuses. Violence. Destruction. Persecution.
All to prevent students from having their feelings hurt. Or, heaven forbid, hear opinions that don’t fall in lockstep with their existing views.
It’s why Klein’s Dangerous Documentaries is the executive producer behind “No Safe Spaces.” The new documentary, featuring Adam Carolla and Dennis Prager, examines how free speech is under attack on campuses nationwide.
What’s worse?
That PC culture is seeping into every day life. Just ask Mario Lopez. Or Justine Sacco. Or even Kevin Hart.
The film, hitting theaters this fall, co-stars Tim Allen, Dave Rubin, Dr. Cornel West, Van Jones and Alan Dershowitz.
Klein discusses “No Safe Spaces,” his company’s “Architects of Woke” series and why more conservatives aren’t engaged in the pop culture fight in the latest HiT ‘cast.
Listen to “HiT ‘cast 127: ‘No Safe Spaces’ Producer Jake Klein on Dawn of Woke Era” on Spreaker.
“No Safe Spaces” tells the harrowing story of how a liberal college professor got arrested by the PC police. You can also learn more about Lindsay Shepherd, a free speech activist who ran afoul of college scolds.
Klein also shares his support for Bridge USA and Heterodox Academy for backing free speech.
Want more content from Dangerous Documentaries? Visit the company’s “Architects of Woke” webisodes and look out for the upcoming “Politically Incorrect Guide” series.
Please support this episode’s HiT ‘cast Artist Spotlight: Eric Killeen’s new book, “One Last Echo: Book 1: Jewels in the Rough,” is available now.