‘Doctor Strange’ Director: American Christianity ‘Racist’
Director Scott Derrickson has a funny way of ringing in a national holiday.
Derrickson’s resume includes a number of respected films including “The Exorcism of Emily Rose” (2005) and “Sinister” (2012). That changed when he co-wrote and directed the 2016 smash “Doctor Strange.” The MCU entry shook up the superhero formula just enough to score big with critics and fans alike.
That catapulted him into the big leagues, and deservedly so. He might have lost some admirers over the holidays all the same.
Derrickson fired off the following Tweet on Thanksgiving Day.
Christians put Trump into office, because mainstream American Christianity is racist, greedy, and nationalistic — things Christ was vehemently against.
So don’t ever call me an Evangelical. In fact, don’t even call me Christian unless you know what I mean by that.
— Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson) November 25, 2017
One Christian defended his faith with facts, saying American Christians give more to charities than their secular peers. Derrickson’s response doubled down in dubious fashion.
“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others.” — Jesus Christ, Matthew 6:4 https://t.co/eGGqcDQ23B
— Scott Derrickson (@scottderrickson) November 25, 2017
Other Twitter responders fired back, too. Here’s just one example:
Trump ain’t a Clinton.
That’s why we voted for him. Period.
Get off your high horse, pal.— Rob Laurich (@rlaurich) November 25, 2017
Note: The message in question is screen capped below in case Derrickson decides to take it down.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. -Matthew 5:11 (NIV)
Thank you for the blessing, Scott.
He’s got the sadz bcuz his movie sucked so much
I boycotted Justice League for less.
Meh. I never heard of this guy or MCU until 30 seconds ago. Just another sad “I’m with her” ninny looking for someone to blame because he voted for a sickly, unlikeable, corrupt old woman.
Don’t call him a Christian.
Call him what he is.
A bigoted asshole.
I’ve been a Cumberbatch fan for years and really enjoyed “Doctor Strange” but will save my $10 for his other projects now.
I think Scott shouldn’t drunk tweet
Great Scott!!! Derrickson is really… Strange. He needs to see a Doctor who’ll admit him to the MCU…
You know what I can’t find anywhere near that verse? Or anywhere ELSE Christ defines charity? The idea that charity is supposed to involve sending the legions out to collect alms at spearpoint to be distributed by politicians with great public fanfare.
Which is why I voted for Trump.
Oh you didn’t find Obama’s victory lap at enacting Obamacare Christ like?
It all sounds like a good reason to pirate everything. If they went belly-up and no more movies, I can live with that, too.
I don’t know what he’s worried about, I seriously doubt anyone was ever in danger of calling this guy a Christian.
As per Gallup poll 2015 75% of Americans identify as Christians; therefore any person elected President has been elected by Christians. This includes electing Obama too.
Good point. The US is 24% Catholic and I know that a majority of Catholics voted for Obama. So is he going to whine about that too?
However, a majority of Catholics who regularly attend Mass voted against Obama. So, Scott Derrickson will not lack for something to whine about.
How sad we all are that this guy doesn’t approve of us.
O, the humanity.
Yet another deluded lefty “artist” who mistakenly believes his political/religious opinions carry any weight whatsoever.
Must be a day of the week that ends in Y.
This is particularly stupid. Which President was not put into office by Christians? You cannot, because there are none. So saying Christians voted Trump into office has all the rhetorical might of saying people put Trump into office.
Derrickson wants you to know that we shouldn’t call him human.
As usual this crap is all about trying to influence someone’s politics. He can screw off.
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