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Buddy Brown Shreds Woke Coke, Draws Massive YouTube Crowd

Country crooner's latest swipe at Cancel Culture hits a nerve with his passionate fans

Indie artists are showing corporate America they don’t need them anymore.

Think Ryan Long, Tim Dillon, Tom MacDonald, Tim Pool and other entrepreneurs carving out successful careers without the usual distribution channels. 

Buddy Brown was ahead of this particular curve. Make that miles ahead.

He discovered the power of viral videos all the way back in 2009, strumming a song while sitting on the back of his pickup truck … like this:

USA Today profiled the country singer in 2016, noting how his stripped-down style drew a sizable crowd. Chances are USA Today, along with the other media outlets, won’t be serving up favorable profiles of him now.


Brown is tackling Cancel Culture head on, and in the process drawing even more eyeballs to his YouTube channel. Consider recent Brown videos with titles like:

  • “Socialism is like HEMORRHOIDS”
  • “Don’t ever APOLOGIZE for being a MAN”
  • “The OFFENDED Song”

His recent track, “We Gotta Be Less White,” mocks Coca-Cola’s leaked pamphlet telling employees why being white is the wrong way to go.

Coca-Cola is facing backlash after being accused of fostering an anti-white agenda in their online “anti-racism” training for employees, with some training materials that instruct participants to “try to be less white.” After blowback, the company has issued a statement denying that the materials are part of its learning curriculum.

That “woke a cola” song, released Feb. 23 on YouTube, already has a whopping 3.8 million views – with no help from traditional media outlets.

"We Gotta Be LESS WHITE" New Song!! 😂 | Buddy Brown | Truck Sessions

Here are some sample lyrics.

Coca-Cola’s done lost their dadgum minds
Yeah, the white guilt’s hittin’ pretty hard this time
I thought I’d seen it all
But as it turns out
I have to change my skin
To live this one down

While I try to be less white, be less white
‘Cause liberals gone wild and they lost their minds
We’ve gotta be less white, be less white
Now I’m switching to Pepsi
And it’s all alright

He opens the track with a call for inclusion, along with a note saying how “ridiculous” woke culture is becoming.

“We need to be less stupid,” Brown says with a smile. 

RELATED: Yes, the Counter Culture Revolution Has Begun

Brown’s new album, “American Savage,” came out March 5. So far, the sales show going independent hasn’t hurt him a lick.


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Brown shows no signs of slowing down, at least when it comes to speaking against the liberal groupthink. His YouTube channel currently boasts more than a half million subscribers. That means thousands will instantly get access to tracks you won’t hear him sing on any late show appearance.

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One Comment

  1. Buddy Brown’s humor and sharp commentary on the woke culture surrounding brands like Coke is refreshing! It’s great to see artists using their platforms to challenge the status quo and engage audiences in meaningful conversations. Can’t wait to see how his YouTube crowd continues to grow!

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