OpinionIndustry News

AP Blasts Black Comedy for Cultural Appropriation

They spare no one. Whites. Blacks. Liberals. Conservatives. You name the group. If SJWs think they’ve crossed some line some how, it’s war.

SJWs previously hounded Hollywood liberals like Will Ferrell, Amy Schumer and Tina Fey. Now, they’re aiming their cultural cannons on a movie that doesn’t come out until 2017.

The crime? Cultural appropriation.

The guilty party? A black filmmaker, working alongside a black producer and a black co-producer/star.

And guess who has the SJWs’ back? The Associated Press.

Yes, that bastion of impartiality is suddenly a SJW splinter group. It’s yet another sign of the media’s decline as well as how reporters cover Hollywood. Long story short. Liberal media bias doesn’t start and stop with the news.

Here’s how the AP describes the film “Step Sisters” and its “problematic” story:

The plot centers on a black sorority sister named Jamilah, who in order to get into law school, has to teach black Greek-stepping to a group of white sorority sisters whose charter is about to be revoked.

On its face, the story line suggests a dubious effort to get some laughs out of racial stereotyping and cultural appropriation (emphasis added). But the film’s participants believe the public is getting the wrong impression.

And you can partially blame the AP for that.

A major wire service shouldn’t echo the SJW talking points. The outlet should share the news in a straightforward manner and let the readers decide.

Critics often howl when conservatives express concern about a project sight unseen. What they fail to mention is there’s often enough early proof to weigh in on the subject at hand.

Here, we have no idea how the subject will be handled. Several key players behind the scenes are black. That makes it less likely they’d eagerly mock their own ethnicity. Shouldn’t they get the benefit of the doubt, or at least the chance to express themselves?

And what about the so-called “cultural appropriation” charges?

Cultural Appropriation … or Unity 101

It it really offensive for a black student to teach a historically black dance to other races? Isn’t sharing customs a noble effort? Doesn’t it connect us in some way, showing empathy and understanding?

Not to SJWs. Too often they cling to separation, not unity.

And they have every right to do that. They merely should be mocked since America’s glory comes from its melting pot beauty.

‘Step Sisters’ Film Drawing Backlash Over Racial Humor – ABC News – https://t.co/5u6CpVF0nH via @ABC I’m quoted in this piece

It’s not as if stepping is an exclusively black practice. In recent years Latino Greek groups have similarly embraced the dance form.

RISC 2012 Promo Video

Many chart stepping’s roots to slavery. Slaves would use the dances to preserve their culture and communicate. Wouldn’t it be better to share that history with others, to teach why its roots matter to those who might not be aware of its past?

Charles Stone, “Step Sisters'” director, says that the black Greek system often treasures its independence from White Greek society. And that trickles down to the protection of step dancing.

He gets the context.

He also notes the power of cross-cultural achievements. He name checks Venus and Serena Williams, sisters whose success in the predominantly white tennis world changed the culture. The same holds true for Eminem. The white rapper soared in a mostly black hip-hop field.

“We’re all human beings, despite the fact we live in a world where there are biases, prejudice and gender inequality,” he said. “Here’s an opportunity where we all can embrace a common goal in working together regardless of cultural and societal differences.”

Sounds like “Step Sisters” might be the kind of healing project we could use right about now.

Photo credit: Joe_Focus via Foter.com / CC BY-NC-ND

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