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Did ‘Annie Hall’ Predict Greta Thunberg’s Climate Cry?

Alvy Singer wasn’t a prophet by any stretch of the imagination.

Woody Allen’s neurotic “Annie Hall” character just wanted to tell jokes and woo an enchanting Diane Keaton.

Still, an early scene from the Oscar-winning movie sprung to mind this week as climate activist Greta Thunberg addressed a throng in New York City. The teen headlined the Climate Strike, an international protest meant to spark action against global warming.

The movie clip in question flashes back to a young Alvy, arguing with his parents and doctor. The lad refuses to study at school, driving them to consult a physician.


Let young Alvy tell it.

Annie Hall (1/12) Movie CLIP - Opening Monologue (1977) HD

“He’s been depressed. All of sudden he can’t do anything,” his mother says to the doctor. “It’s something he read.”

“The universe is expanding … well, the universe is everything, and if it’s expanding some day it will break apart and that will be the end of everything,” Alvy explains.

“What is that your business? He stopped doing his homework!” she cries.

“What’s the point?” the young boy replies.

Sound familiar?

RELATED: 9 Films Obsessed with Climate Change

It wasn’t enough that young Greta coaxed thousands of students worldwide to skip class for a day, a move embraced by many districts. She specifically questioned the value of studying as we inch closer to climate Armageddon.

“This is an emergency. Our house is on fire,” Thunberg told the crowd. “We will do everything in our power to stop this crisis from getting worse.” “Why should we study (emphasis added) for a future that is being taken away from us. That is being sold for profit.”

The climate rock star already wields the power to coax kids out of the classroom. Will some take her study woes to heart?

'We will make them hear us': Greta Thunberg's speech to New York climate strike

Of course the situation presented by young Alvy is far different that climate change worries. Alvie’s fears clung to theories tied to the distant future. Some climate change activists warn we have anywhere from 18 months to 12 years, according to their latest predictions, to save the world.

Of course, those models ignore a crush of similar theories that proved demonstrably false over the last 30-plus years. Or, as John Nolte of Breitbart News reports, 0-41.

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