
5 Non-Trump Political Gaffes for Noah and Co.

It’s like the GOP contender was scientifically designed for pundits and satirists alike. Jon Stewart must be kicking himself for leaving his “Daily Show” perch when he did.

Expect the Trevor Noahs of the world to feast on Trump’s plan to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. while we’re at war with radical Islam. The writing team at “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” likely didn’t get much sleep last night, their fingers cramping up after hours at their keyboards.

ALSO CHECK OUT: CNN’s Biased Doc on Rahm Emanuel

That doesn’t mean there aren’t other politicians worth mocking. The only question is whether Noah, Colbert and others will pounce on the following five gaffes:

  • Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Attack on the First Amendment: Comics may not cozy up to the Second Amendment these days, but they typically cling to the First with both hands. So why aren’t they eviscerating Lynch for threatening to punish those who critiques Islam or Muslims? If Lynch were part of a GOP administration Stewart would have fled his rocking chair to curse her out. Will we see Noah do the same? And what about Lynch’s greatest fear? No, not that another 9/11 scale attack could reach our shores, but that a new wave of Islamophobia could strike … and hurt someone’s feelings. How could comedians resist?
  • Bernie Sanders: Climate Change Causes Terrorism: This hardly needs elaboration.
  • President Obama Lectures Americans After Terrorist Attack: President Barack Obama addressed the nation Sunday night in a fashion he’s done very rarely over the past seven years. The comments came after last week’s terrorist attack in San Bernardino which killed 14 people. So what did Obama do with his speech? Mostly lecture the American people on their perceived bigotry. Way to rally a nation! It’s a speech sure to be repeated, and cited, for generations to come. Certainly a comic institution or two might find that worth some righteous mockery, no?
  • Hillary Says Believe Women Who Cry Rape: Political comics feasted on President Bill Clinton’s serial adultery without restraint. Hillary Clinton, in the middle of her second Presidential run, recently spoke out on behalf of women who have endured sexual assault.. “Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed and we’re with you.” The media failed to challenge that statement given the allegations leveled against her husband over the years. It took a citizen during a town hall-style event to question her directly on the subject. Couldn’t a comedian or two join in, if only to defend women who have been called horrible names for daring to share their stories?
  • Rahm Emmanuel’s Game of Hide and Seek: The Chicago mayor is in serious trouble for keeping a dash cam video of the police shooting of Laquan McDonald tucked away while he ran for re-election. What’s worse? The Emanuel administration paid off the family of the deceased to the tune of $5 million, with part of that deal tied to keeping said video private. This is much more than a gaffe, of course. It’s still the kind of news that political comics should rail against in glorious “speak truth to power” fashion.

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