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Whedon Warns Trump May Start Killing Gay People

The #resistance has no greater friend than Joss Whedon.

The director of “The Avengers” is one of Hollywood’s most vocal critics of the Trump administration. He did all he could to stop the real estate mogul from becoming president.

He directed the infamous “Save the Day” voter PSAs from 2016. Whedon leaned on his celebrity rolodex to caution voters against Trump. The star-studded ad featured Robert Downey, Jr., Don Cheadle, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo and other A-list actors.

It didn’t work, despite Whedon spending $1 million of his own cash to bankroll the videos.

Now, he uses Twitter to warn the masses about potential abuses of presidential power … and more. It hasn’t always gone smoothly.

A few weeks ago he admitted the fight against Team Trump had left him “broken.” Since then, he’s resumed his political messaging. Today’s Tweet, though, could be his most aggressive statement yet.

He linked to a story about gay people reportedly being killed simply for their sexual preference.

Authorities in the southern Russian republic of Chechnya have reportedly kidnapped dozens of gay men in the past month and killed at least three as part of an roundup ordered against LGBT people there.

As horrific as that sounds, Whedon suggests it could soon be worse for gay people stateside.

For the record, Trump has been more open to the LGBT community than other GOP leaders. He reportedly appointed an openly gay man, Rick Grenell, as a NATO ambassador. He leans on adviser Peter Thiel, the openly gay co-founder of PayPal. And Trump told CBS late last year he was “fine” with same-sex marriage being legal in the U.S.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via / CC BY-SA


  1. Er, unless Trump converts to Islam, It is not likely that his tolerant attitude toward the gay community will change Josh, you dumb hump!

  2. Hey Hollywood, here’s the brutal truth: You’re just not that creative. Your ideas of entertainment are stupid and boring. Nobody cares about your agenda except the other uncreative smug morons.

  3. Anyone who listens to Hollywood types as experts on anything other than making movies is naive beyond belief.

  4. If you say Obama front woman Susan Rice is a liar, then you are a racist and a misogynist.

    Just ask the MSM

  5. The only people actively killing gays are radical Islamists. So tell us again which party supports them? Projection, thy name is Progressives.

  6. Does he ever criticize the people who actually killed the gay people and their possible motivation? I doubt they were trump voters. Do they have anything in common with the people who were throwing gays off of rooftops the past few years. Come on Josh, we want to know.

  7. There are places where gay people are murdered. Whedon does NO political messaging against these places. He does not note that there is a socio-religious culture that not only has words for gay murder in their scriptures, but it is LEGAL and it is JOYOUSLY EMBRACED by it’s people.

    Whedon can’t seem to find any time or money to mention that.

    Instead, he strikes at shadows. I am pretty much done with spending money on this clown’s content. He should ask Natalie Maines how smart it is to be an @$$hat to 50% of his audience.

    I appreciate his work. His political acumen is atrocious. That he is LOUD in his stupidity shows a lack of self awareness which is hard to fathom.

    1. Well put. I wish he’d put half this much effort into relaunching Firefly, or starting a new series. His political comments show that he really does belong in a fantasy world! Now if he’d only shut up and get back to work…

  8. Trump came out strongly when an ISIS nutcase shot up a gay club. The murderous abuse of gays/lesbians under nutcase Islam is something regularly noted by conservatives.

  9. Well, the GOP has a terrible track record on gay issues. Trump isn’t really much of a republican as you all will see in the coming years so I am fine with him. But, if you read the comment sections of republican blogs visa vis gays and minorities you would not be so nonchalant, people have no problem wishing harm on their fellow man.

    1. Since we do not bend over backwards and kiss the fanny of these minorities out of Liberal Guilt, we SEEM like we don’t care. This is nonsense. We are not the fawning lickspittles that Democrats are. That is the difference.

      I was offended at the Orlando shooting as much as anyone. Except that unlike Obama, the Democrats and Whedon, I know where to assign blame for this. Hint: It isn’t Republicans. It isn’t gun manufacturers.

      Until you get smart and honest enough to actually address these issue, you will be a minority party stuck in the urban ghettos you have created and run like a machine.

  10. So what do the anti-gay actions of Muslims in Chechnya have to do with Trump? The same idiot is probably whining about Trump and “Muslim bans” at the same time.

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