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Corden, Colbert Disgrace Themselves with Nikki Haley Attacks

Nikki Haley didn’t complain about the liberal lectures during the recent Golden Globe Awards.

Nor did the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. whine about the SAG Awards or last year’s Academy Awards gala. Each event dripped with progressive politics. Haley remained silent. She doesn’t engage with liberal stars like her boss, President Donald Trump, frequently does.

So why was the similarly progressive Grammys telecast different for Haley?

It’s simple. The event’s organizers invited former First Lady Hillary Clinton and several singers to read from Michael Wolff’s “Fire and Fury.” The book’s accuracy has been questioned by countless media outlets.

“The View’s” Meghan McCain shredded Wolff’s remaining credibility so thoroughly you expected a show producer to throw in the towel.

“Stop the fight!”

What’s worse? The author insinuated on “Real Time with Bill Maher” that Haley is having an affair with President Donald Trump … with zero evidence.

That “sexist smear,” combined with Clinton’s cutesy read, set Haley off.

Who could blame Haley? And why would a “feminist” like Clinton give “Fire and Fury” attention following Wolff’s slander?

Tell that to Stephen Colbert and James Corden.

The late night comedians brought up Haley’s fury at the Clinton appearance this week. Each liberal host ignored the critical context and mocked Haley for blasting the sketch.

First, here’s Corden (who hosted the Grammys telecast):

“I guess Nikki only liked the other nonpolitical parts of the Grammys,” said Corden on his late-night show. “You know, Kendrick Lamar’s performance about police violence, or U2’s performance about immigration in front of the Statue of Libery. You know, lighthearted, nonpolitical stuff.”

Corden the took a swipe at President Trump, who is known for speaking out on social media.

“Well, Nikki Haley, you can tell your boss, some of us love politics without the Twitter meltdowns thrown in.”

Colbert similarly mocked Haley.

“She just wants to take us back to when music was less political,” Colbert said of Haley. “You know, John Lennon, Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan, N.W.A. I love their song, ‘No Comment on the Police.’”

It’s possible, although unlikely, that both Corden and Colbert were unaware of Wolff’s slur against Haley. What are the odds that no one in their respective writers’ rooms, where politics is their lifeblood, were in the dark, too?

Slim to none, leaning heavily toward the latter.

It gets even more embarrassing for the late night comics.

Neither Corden nor Colbert mentioned Clinton’s appearance in the context of the Grammys’ big theme – the #MeToo movement. We recently learned that Clinton was warned one of her campaign advisors, Burns Strider, stood accused of sexually harassing a female campaign worker back in 2008. Clinton overruled a subordinate and protected Strider.

This is the same woman who famously covered up her husband’s serial philandering and mocked the women accusing President Bill Clinton of sexual harassment (and far worse in Juanita Broaddrick’s case)

Did either comedian crush Clinton for those cold facts?


They targeted Haley, one of the most accomplished female politicians in the country. Why? Because she’s a Republican. It’s that simple. It’s the same reason they protected Clinton, a Democrat, from mockery.

Party over principle, even when it leaves one looking like the cruelest hypocrites.

It’s why Trevor Noah deserves some credit this week. “The Daily Show” host didn’t let Clinton off the hook regarding her woke hypocrisy. He called her “part of the problem” regarding sexual abuse in our culture.

“I expected standing up for a woman on her staff to be one of her strengths.”

“Yeah, ‘women deserve to be heard,’ and then quietly reassigned,” he added.

Let’s not simply ridicule Corden and Colbert for their antics. Many major news sites similarly shared the Haley story ignoring the reason for her rage. It’s what did, along with Vanity Fair and Fortune.

Fake News? Sometimes the lies of omission are even more devastating to the sorry state of journalism.

Photo by US Mission Geneva on / CC BY-ND


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