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‘SNL’s Che: Trump’s Right, Media Make Sh** Up

You won’t catch Michael Che wearing a MAGA hat anytime soon.

The co-host of “Saturday Night Live’s” Weekend Update is just as tough on President Donald Trump as his colleagues.

Maybe tougher.

Remember when Che insinuated Trump was racist … while Trump was hosting the venerable NBC show? He followed up that comment with more withering barbs over the weeks that followed. Here’s just one example:

Weekend Update on Donald Trump's Wiretapping Accusation - SNL

Over the weekend Che sounded a different note regarding the Commander in Chief. While virtually every media outlet denounced Trump’s Twitter attack on MSNBC star Mika Brzezinski Che offered another perspective.

RELATED: 10 Insufferable ‘SNL’ Revelations

The liberal comic sounded like Sean Hannity for a moment. The only thing missing? #FakeNews

A post shared by Michael Che (@chethinks) on

Here’s the key part:

“Trump calling a news lady ‘dumb as a box of rocks is f***ing funny…. Trump is not wrong about the media. They DO make sh** up. They DO sensationalize bull**it for ratings and profit.”

That’s subversive.

It wasn’t the first time the comedian defied the standard comic groupthink. Late last year he agreed with Trump again when the president complained “SNL’s” political humor proved too one sided.

Anti-Trump all the time, in short.

Oddly, I agree with him. We try to write that way. But the thing that Donald Trump doesn’t understand is that when you’re that ridiculous, it’s kind of hard to talk about anything else. You have this ridiculous orange billionaire doing stranger and stranger things, what else is there? But I do agree with him. I think the show should show all views and we make a conscious effort to do so.

Che shared that sentiment with Esquire magazine. His most recent comments came via Instagram. Will he follow up his media critique when “Saturday Night Live’s” Summer edition kicks off next month?


  1. Trump is not wrong about the media. They DO make sh** up. They DO sensationalize bull**it for ratings and profit.”

    Che is quite right…
    “Remember when Che insinuated Trump was racist …”

    “But the thing that Donald Trump doesn’t understand is that when you’re
    that ridiculous, it’s kind of hard to talk about anything else. You have
    this ridiculous orange billionaire doing stranger and stranger things,
    what else is there?”

    He just lacks the self-awareness to realize he’s part of it…as he tries to distance himself from it.

  2. Wow! How sophomoric. I really thought Michael Che’s joke about slavery was comedy gold. Not. Dude. Get. Over. It. I must admit that I don’t watch this show much, but I can’t believe that Obama was abused in such a fashion. I have to believe that this show must be on life support because I can’t imagine it has the ratings to keep it going on its own. The only people that would laugh at this kind of stuff are the bicoastals.

  3. Trump’s showing the media that if you don’t care about them, they’ve got no power. Politicians CARE a lot about how the media portrays them – they know that the media can make or break them.

    But Trump? He’s not a politician. He doesn’t care about the media – what can they do for him? What’s he gonna do, run for Congress after the Presidency? For all their screaming, he’s doing a pretty good job – and not depending on the media to fawningly report every word like a certain ex-Pres did.

    He’s bypassing them on Twitter, he’s got them jumping through hoops while they scream how they hate him. They can’t affect him, and they HATE that!

    1. Che is a low IQ clown hypocrite who won’t ever criticize the Demo-rats, except for not being left enough for him.

  4. “But the thing that Donald Trump doesn’t understand is that when you’re
    that ridiculous, it’s kind of hard to talk about anything else.”

    Oh, I think he understands that perfectly well. He also understands that he is making the media look equally ridiculous. He’s been playing this game for 50 years, and he knows how.

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