Anti-Bidens Doc ‘Riding the Dragon’ Sails Past 1 Million Views on YouTube
Investigate reporter Peter Schweizer anchors film detailing Bidens' China ties
Michael Moore showed the power of giving documentaries away for free with “Planet of the Humans.”
The 2020 release, produced by the far-left Oscar winner, didn’t debut in theaters or any new streaming service. Team Moore dropped it on YouTube, and the results speak for themselves.
- Endless publicity.
- Considerable controversy
- Millions, and millions, of views (nearly 10,000 since April 21)
What right-leaning doc could compete with that? “Riding the Dragon” is giving it the ol’ college try.
“Riding the Dragon,” which explores the shady business ties between China and the Biden family, just eclipsed the 1 million views mark on YouTube since its Sept. 4 debut.
Just how did the Biden family, especially troubled son Hunter Biden, amass a not so small fortune while working with the Chinese government?
“Riding the Dragon” has some of those answers.
The film’s YouTube milestone comes without the usual marketing muscle. Mainstream media outlets all but ignored the project. Director M.A. Taylor lacks the larger than life persona Moore brings to any project in his ecosystem.
Blaze TV, which produced the feature, leaned on its media connections to spread the word. Viewers did the rest.
Here’s one example of what those who haven’t watched “Riding the Dragon” can expect from the film, according to the documentary’s press team:
In 2015 for example, BHR Partners, where Hunter Biden was a board member, helped AVIC Auto, which is run by Aviation Industry Corp. of China, to purchase the American auto parts manufacturer Henniges Automotive. AVIC builds aircraft for the Chinese military, and the film notes that Henniges’s products can be used for both civilian and military purposes. Another deal that benefited the Chinese military was in 2017. That year, as detailed in the movie, BHR helped China Molybdenum Co. Ltd. acquire a stake in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Tenke copper mine. Molybdenum can be used to make steel for weapons manufacturing.
Mainstream media outlets seem incurious about these details and many others. Late night comedians ignore Hunter Biden’s colorful work history, to say the least.
Right leaning outlets, though dwarfed by their liberal competitors, covered both the film and the Biden saga.
All of the above opened the door for “Dragon” to answer some of the questions Americans have about the potential First Family.
The film is based on two Schweizer books by veteran journalist Peter Schweizer – 2018’s “Secret Empires” and this year’s “Profiles in Corruption.”