New Board Game Takes Ideological Fight to Antifa’s Goon Squad
Wanna smash buildings and set fires ... safely? Play 'Portland Occupied Zone'
The experience of being a conservative in the United States is overwhelmingly one of losing.
We allow our elites to choose the battlefields, the boundaries and the rules of every engagement, and we arrive at every encounter with the expectation that we will eventually fail.
And when the other side has smacked us around enough, we surrender the field and grimly follow them to wherever they decide they want to fight next.
It’s been this way for decades, perhaps longer. Even as far back as 1958, Cleon Skousen’s “The Naked Communist” depicts the eponymous “Communist” on the cover as a musclebound superman.
Why is this? Are they 10 feet tall? Is Communism inevitable?
This experience is no fun, and there seems to be a bitterness that underlies all of our interactions and our media. It’s a matter of personal piety for many conservatives that the struggle should not be fun, and that fighting the long defeat is ennobling.
It’s our philosophy that cultural decline is not inevitable, that leftism is stupid, and that fighting it should be very fun indeed. To achieve this though we believe that we must not merely react to what others force upon us, but to choose our own battlefields and reframe the narrative according to our own terms.
We need to reorient our thinking and realize that the Left are not the adults in this relationship, they are the idiot children.
Our games, and especially our most recent project, Portland Occupied Zone [POZ], are an attempt at such a reorientation. We do not debate and we do not equivocate, we savagely and unapologetically depict the cultural Left the way we believe they truly are.
In POZ the player roleplays as a member of Antifa. There are eight characters, each one of them their own unique variety of degenerate failure. The objective of the game is to burn down a functioning Portland neighborhood and replace it with what amounts to a disease-ridden squatter camp. (It’s even more ironic when you realize it’s your own home that you are destroying.)
During the course of the game’s year-long development we did extensive research into a number of extremist movements, particularly Antifa and Occupy, and the social dysfunctionality of these groups staggering to a level most people seem to be unaware of.
- The fraud and embezzlement
- The violence (sexual and otherwise)
- The filth and disease
POZ dredges all of that up and puts it on full display.
Additionally, there is an entire sub-game where each character must self-medicate their own feelings of worthlessness with a variety of illicit drugs.
There’s a whole lot more to it than that, but we can’t possibly explain the entire thing in the space allotted to us. In a world of pearl-clutching scolds it is a great heap of dangerous fun.
Many often take issue with the decision to have players roleplay as leftists radicals rather than to do what we usually do, which is to snipe at them from a safe distance. We realize this is a bold and radical choice, but we believe that it works precisely for that reason.
There is, as they say, no bigger flex.
William Dalebout is a designer and illustrator from Logan, Utah who has been on his own since backing the wrong candidate in 2016. Today, he runs Incel Riot and mostly makes games. His newest board game, “POZ,” is currently seeking crowdfunding support.