HiT Episode No. 103 – Mike Lindell (‘Unplanned’)

Many Hollywood denizens knew from an early age they wanted to make movies for a living.
Not Mike Lindell.
The entrepreneur behind MyPillow didn’t set out to conquer Hollywood, or even step a toe in the industry. For years he grappled with addiction, eventually embracing faith to help him escape. Then, he created a pillow that revolutionized the sleep industry.
Today? He’s a key investor behind “Unplanned,” a pro-life drama targeting Planned Parenthood.
“Unplanned,” out March 29, tells the story of Abby Johnson. She’s a former Planned Parenthood director who became a fierce voice for the pro-life movement. The movie already has its fair share of controversy. The filmmakers created the movie in secret, knowing a pro-life production could be problematic given the industry’s political leanings.
Lindell documents his unlikely journey, why he demanded “Unplanned” meet his high standards and much more on the latest HiT ‘cast.
Listen to “HiT Episode No. 103 Mike Lindell (MyPillow, ‘Unplanned’)” on Spreaker.
Also please visit HiT ‘cast sponsor Speakeasy Ideas, a critical ally for homeschooling parents and so much more. Here’s a sample lesson to start you in the right direction.