Industry NewsOpinionMedia Bias

SHOCK: Corporate Press Ignores Huge Disney Story

Indie journalists seize and pounce on damning Mouse House expose

The runaway success of Disney’s “Inside Out 2” is a major story.


The sequel stopped the studio’s fiscal bleeding and reversed Hollywood’s sleepy summer box office. Corporate media journalists dutifully covered it, as well they should.

Those same journalists looked the other way when another huge Disney story broke. A good faith Google News search revealed no coverage from the AP, Reuters, CNN, The New York Times, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter or Deadline.


It didn’t fit their progressive narrative. Worse? It made their fellow progressives look badly.

Muckraker James O’Keefe caught an executive describing how Disney’s DEI policies impact the Mouse House. Need examples?

  • The company discriminates against white males
  • A mixed-race applicant was deemed insufficiently black for a specific company role
  • Disney executives use “buzz words” to avoid legal blowback for its discriminatory hiring practices

This is one executive describing corporate policy. It’s not a smoking gun, per se, and these are mere allegations. They still align with findings uncovered by other indie journalists like Film Threat’s Alan Ng and the greater DEI picture.

The story has obvious news value.

One of Hollywood’s biggest companies may engage in discriminatory hiring practices. We know that the executive in question, senior vice president Michael Giordano, shut down his LinkedIn account following the video’s release.

World of Reel reports that Giordano is now on a “leave of absence.

Plus, DEI is under the spotlight across both corporate America and universities nationwide. Even within Hollywood circles it’s a major topic.

Need more? O’Keefe generates plenty of press. His unorthodox tactics aren’t universally embraced but routinely get results. Giordano thought he was on a date when he confessed Disney’s practices to an undercover journalist.

O’Keefe shot to fame in 2009 when he dressed as a pimp to expose corruption in the government’s Acorn program.

So why the media silence on a story with plenty of news value?

Let’s repeat ourselves: It didn’t fit their progressive narrative. Worse? It made their fellow progressives look badly.

Add one more reason. The corporate press loathes O’Keefe for exposing liberal-leaning corruption. They’ve rather pretend his latest sting never happened.

Good luck.


X owner Elon Musk shared it on his platform, generating north of 63 million views.

Corporate journalists ignore and downplay stories that don’t align with their world view. They hope doing so will prevent the public from learning about them.

It’s a partially successful strategy. Here’s why.

The liberal fact-checking site Snopes just proved, again, that President Donald Trump didn’t call neo-Nazis “very one people.” That came seven years after the incident in question

For too many Americans, the lie became a fact.

Those news consumers may never know about Disney’s alleged hiring practices. Not everyone subscribes to Film Threat, O’Keefe’s media feed or right-leaning publications.

It explains why the press went dark on this story. They know it means some will never hear about it, and that’s even better than clicks in our corrupt media age.


  1. The press can ignore it, but there’s a few more clips coming. James O’Keefe always has more. Those unhired Disney employees will end up at Universal or Sundance. I’m sure Project Veritas will be watching.

    1. It hearkens back to a time when journalists took unconventional measures to get to the truth … it can be a negative for some, but it felt like it fit with his style of journalism.

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