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Late-Night Propagandists Come for J.D. Vance

Oliver, Colbert promote Fake News attack on Trump's VP choice

The corporate press has yet to apologize for promoting monumental lies targeting President Donald Trump.

Need just two examples? The “very fine people” hoax and the Russian collusion hoax

And they never will.

They have no shame, no scruples and no willingness to make amends for errors that misled the nation on critical issues. They’re still making fresh mistakes today.

Late-night propagandists are even less willing to correct the record, unless we missed Stephen Colbert’s apology for two-plus years of Russian collusion yuks.

So when a random X user posted a lie about Vice Presidential candidate J.D. Vance two late-night types pounced and seized.

No apologies. No regrets. Plenty of media attention, of course.

Let’s start with John Oliver, who seems incapable of speaking Truth to PowerTM if it impacts a Democrat. The HBO star seized on a fake story involving Vance and a couch.

More specifically, that Vance admitted to committing a sexual act on a couch in his best-selling memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy.”

“J.D. Vance sucks so much that it says something that for a few days this week, the internet ran wild with a joke tweet that he was the first VP pick to have admitted in a New York Times best-seller to f—ing an inside-out latex glove shoved between two couch cushions…I think the reason it spread so fast might be that A, nobody read that f—ing book, and B, it was incredibly easy to believe.”

Satire stings when it’s based on truth. “Hillbilly Elegy” was a bestseller that coaxed Oscar-winning director Ron Howard to direct the film adaptation. Even the far-Left New York Times, what one pundit dubs a “former newspaper,” admitted the book sold three million copies.

Liar or stupid, as Adam Carolla might say.

And “easy to believe?” Is that the new standard? That worked for the corporate press over the last eight or so years, so it’s good enough for a faux humorist, apparently.

The real takeaway?

The couch story is now embedded in Oliver’s far-Left, fact-averse audience.

Real “I can see Russia from my house” vibes.

Regime comedian Stephen Colbert shared the same Fake News story with a modicum of restraint, at least by his standards. The CBS star noted that the Associated Press ran a fact check definitively disputing the claim.

“This just shows how big a problem this information can be. Even a well-meaning fact check can wind up amplifying a false story,” he says. “So all of us, all of us, please, have a responsibility to stop the spread of vicious rumors like J.D. Vance had sex with a couch, because it’s simply not true, which is why we have to refuse to use the hashtag #cushinpushinJDVance.”

He’s actually encouraging his audience to promote the lie. Yuk yuk.

And, in case you weren’t convinced the corporate media is corrupt to the core, the AP withdrew the fact check, saying it wasn’t properly reported.

Either Vance admitted to the claim in his book or he didn’t. And, since three million people bought the book it’s clear the couch incident wasn’t mentioned in the tome.

This isn’t complicated. The AP knows that by withdrawing that fact check, even more propagandists can spread the lie.


  1. And journalists wonder why people regard people who strangle puppies with higher regard than journalists. Even lawyers and pedos are held in higher esteem.

  2. Dear God. Is nobody going to, you know, READ THE ACTUAL BOOK? Is everyone simply going to talk about it without reading it?

  3. People need to remember that democrars are tge party of pedophiles, especially California democrats who have spent the past ten years pushing pro-pedo bills. Democrats want to allow pedos into schools and medical schools. Democrats want to allow children to be mentally and physically assaulted. Democrats thinks parents are domestic terrorist and that drags should be allowed to dangle their personal bits in child faces.

  4. People need to remember that democrars are tge party of pedophiles, especially California democrats who have spent the past ten years pushing pro-pedo bills. Democrats want to allow pedos into schools and medical schools. Democrats want to allow children to be mentally and physically assaulted. Democrats thinks parents see domestic terrorist and that drags should be allowed to danger their personal bits in child faces.

  5. I haven’t read his book nor watched the movie, but I’m pretty SURE that the LIE the LEFT is spreading is just that! Now the PRUDENT thing would be to slap a BILLION$$ lawsuit on every “funny one” that puts it out and every “news” paper that printed it! They all KNOW it’s a LIE and it’s not a joke – they KNOW it’s FAKE but they push it! Make them either APOLOGIZE and ADMIT that it’s FAKE or pony up the BILLION$!!

    1. And now ABC and George Stephanopolous are being sued for falsely claiming that Donald Trump was “found liable for rape.”

      Which he wasn’t, but what the hey, since we hate him there’s nothing wrong with making up slander, is there? Hate hate hate! Because we’re so loving, tolerant and diverse! I hope Stephanopolous ends up living in a refrigerator carton beneath a freeway embankment. But he won’t, regardless of the trial outcome, as the left takes care of their own.

  6. I looked up the definition of “smug, pretentious, arrogant British jerk” in the dictionary, and there was a picture of John Oliver next to the definition. Imagine that.

  7. These people have never pretended to have credibility or to have been on the side of truth, they don’t know the meaning of integrity. It’s very sad.

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