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John Cusack: Strip Fox News of Its Broadcast License

Far-left star pushes censorship over channel's 'dictator' jab at President Biden

Anyone who grew up on John Cusack comedies is in for a rude awakening via his Twitter account.

The 56-year-old star rages against President Donald Trump and all things GOP on social media, often throwing the sharpest elbows possible. Even those accustomed to politically-active celebrities may not expect what Cusack dishes on a regular basis.

He’s a Democrat, but his party is never bold enough from the “Better Off Dead” star’s perspective.

Most recently, Cusack demanded that Fox News lose its broadcasting license for a chyron that called President Joe Biden a “wannabe dictator.” The commentary drew withering attacks from other news sites, and the person responsible quickly lost his job.

That wasn’t enough for Cusack.

It’s hardly surprising for Cusack to cheer on censoring others’ points of view. Or just throwing them in jail on various alleged crimes, real and imagined.

Conservatives don’t deserve reportage that covers allegations that the Biden family siphoned millions due to their political positions.

Ironically, Cusack was a founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, formed to “protect, defend, and empower public-interest journalism in the 21st century.

The actor got a public rebuke from author and behavioral scientist Gad Saad.

Cusack’s career, once red hot, now has him appearing in straight-to-streaming titles. His last mainstream gig came with 2020’s “Utopia,” an Amazon Prime sci-fi saga that lasted but one season.

Three years ago, he attempted to explain his aggressive Twitter musings.

“Maybe being outspoken hurts your career… I’m just aware it helps me sleep better at night, knowing that I wasn’t passive during this time.”

Cusack is on tour this summer, bringing some of his classic films to theaters across the country. Nostalgia matters in America today, and the actor’s films bring back vibrant memories for many.

Think “Say Anything,” “Sixteen Candles,” “Grosse Point Blank” and “High Fidelity.”

He may look back on his anti-speech musings with something less than nostalgia.


  1. I think John should just stay in the backfield as he was destined for. We can all make sure of that, can’t we. Same thing for all those stars that said they would leave the country if Trump was elected, but didn’t. Says something about their word doesn’t it. Even Arnold, who used to be a bad ass and fight for freedom, has said some things that undid the 40 or so previous years. Netflix has some new stuff (for them) from him but I’m reluctant to watch it. Maybe they’ll take it down before I get around to it. Seems like every movie made, nowadays, has to have one of every type of human and of course some regular Americans to make fun of, belittle, or worse. If you watch commercials, you might think minorities are the majority and soon might be since we have almost annexed the population of South America. Nobody is going to have money to pay for cable one of these days anyway. Wouldn’t be surprised if they start laying everybody off over there in Hollywood. Do you suppose they are having trouble finding people to work like the rest of American industry?

    1. I like seeing diversity and minorities in film. Everyone doesn’t have to look like me. I don’t get why this upsets a small percentage of conservatives. Most conservatives I know are not bothered by this in the least.

    1. Exactly . He is a Mean! Drunk! Thinks he is still a Big Star. No not anymore. And he doesn’t care. I used to like him. But he has Changed!!

  2. Like all the other Hollywood high school graduates/celebrities – name one example of Trump overthrowing democracy – oh wait – the Jan 6th “insurrection” where American citizens have been sentenced to YEARS in federal prison for simply walking through the US Capitol – aka The People’s House as Nancy Pelosi use to claim. These victims of the Biden DOJ are doing more time for misdemeanors than Hunter for the federal crime of lying on a gun purchase form.

    1. You’re right! Sentenced to gulags for years because some walked into a building after being waived though by the guards. Must have been a different system then the one Hunter had to “face”.

      1. They only walked into a building? What were you watching live the day the insurrection went down? Those idiots were trying to overthrow an election. Calling for the death of Mike Pence. People died days later. Ah, forget it. You’re not worth convincing.

  3. Someone should inform John Cusack that companies that don’t broadcast over the air, but instead only on cable, don’t require a “broadcast license.”

  4. Utopia was a case of the wrong show at the wrong time. No one wanted to watch a series centered around a global pandemic in 2020.

  5. Sounds like he’s lobbying for a major role and wants to give his self an edge in the casting process. He knows how the game is played.

  6. He’s a disappointment for us who grew up watching his movies. Factoid: He absolutely hated his best movie, ‘Better Off Dead’.

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