Babylon Bee Goes Hollywood with Jan. 6 Mockumentary
'January 6: The Most Deadliest Day' skewers Left's obsession with Capitol riot

Babylon Bee scribes must feel like it’s Christmas every morning.
They scan the political scene and see mainstream platforms ignoring so much comedy gold. The Bee both pounces and seizes on subjects many fear to bring up, let alone mock.
- Democrats in toto
- Vice President Kamala Harris
- Woke overreach
- Trans sports
And so much more.
Now, the Bee is super-sizing its video content to feature-length proportions. And, once again, it’s tackling a subject most comedians wouldn’t touch.
The media’s over-the-top rhetoric tied to Jan. 6.
The Bee’s upcoming mockumentary treats that coverage with the irreverence it deserves, at least according to the trailer for “January 6: The Most Deadliest Day.” The 2021 Capitol riot injured police officers and left one Trump supporter dead from a police officer’s bullet.
Yet the media’s framing of that ugly protest suggested it proved as calamitous as Pearl Harbor.
Boulderdash! Poppycock! The Bee agrees. Here’s the official description from The Babylon Bee, with tongue firmly planted in cheek.
Our brave reporters went undercover to find the truth. We interviewed dangerous insurrectionists like The Lectern Guy and The Buffalo Guy. We talked to “experts” like Dennis Prager and some random guy from the Claremont Institute. We combined state-of-the-art forensic science with computer imagery to accurately reconstruct the most deadliest day in human history. And with no regard for our own safety, we went on location to the most terrifying sites in Washington D.C. where democracy and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez almost died.
The film will be available only to Bee subscribers starting Oct. 11.
The project comes on the heels of “Am I Racist?” The Daily Wire production will be in theaters nationwide Sept. 13. It, too, uses humor to illustrate its cultural points.