
HiT Radio: Couric Shoots Career in Foot

Couric’s new documentary, “Under the Gun,” examines modern gun violence and potential solutions. Only Team Couric’s “solution” to a truthful narrativeĀ involved malicious editing. The Yahoo star is backpedaling … slowly … but the stain on her career won’t come off so easily.

I discussed the case in between reviews of “The Nice Guys” and “Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising” this week on “Mike Rosen at the Movies.”

The latest edition of “Hollyweird” on “The Michael Brown Show” also tackled CouricGate. We managed to squeeze in the great cover of “The Sound of Silence” by Disturbed, a potential “Jane Bond” as well as other pop culture tangents.

I wrapped the week in movies with less than kind reviews of both “X-Men: Apocalypse” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass” for WTOP-FM in Washington, D.C.

photo credit: smoke. via photopin (license)

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