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6 Republican Celebrities Against Trump

Donald Trump’s ascent also sent shock waves, through the small subset of Hollywood that votes Republican every four years.

Their numbers may be few, but each election cycle they raise their voices to support the party’s presidential nominee. Sometimes they hold their noses in the process. Either way, these Republican celebrities throw their celebrity clout around the party’s ticket.

Not this year.


Everything is different in 2016 as the real estate mogul seizes control of the Grand Old Party. Conventional wisdom doesn’t matter. Nor does having a Democratic opponent even liberals look at with suspicion, if not outright alarm.

Some Republican celebrities seem eager for a Trump presidency. Actor/singer Robert Davi. Oscar-winner Jon Voight. Ted Nugent. Willie Robertson. Stephen Baldwin. Scott Baio. They’ve all endorsed Trump as the best way to defeat likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

“Dilbert” cartoonist Scott Adams went so far as to predict Trump will win in a landslide. He hardly sounds upset about it.

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Kid Rock wants “the business guy to run the country like a business,” which means he’s jumped aboard the Trump Train with both feet.

Yet Trump’s rise also fractured the semi-secretive enclave known as Friends of Abe. The group featured a collection of Hollywood Republicans, who met privately to discuss their careers and right-leaning views in a cordial atmosphere.

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The arrival of Trump on the political scene played a role in the group’s recent collapse, though some disagree on how much Trump factored into the decision.

So who are the Republican celebrities who swear by the #NeverTrump movement? And which ones are leaning against the reality show star … but could change their minds before Election Day?

Brad Thor

The bestselling author behind “Code of Conduct” and “Act of War” may be Trump’s fiercest celebrity critic. He’s leveraged his formidable Twitter army (90K followers) to spread his anti-Trump missives.

Thor is no friend of our current PC obsession. Witness how he hijacked a hashtag last year, #RespectForMuslims, in order to put attention on radical Islamic terrorism. 

Still, Trump’s politically incorrect banter couldn’t convince Thor to side with him.

The author’s rhetoric got a mite too heated for the suits at SiriusXM radio. He appeared last month on “The Glenn Beck Show,” which SiriusXM syndicates, and spoke of what might be needed to remove “President Trump” from office. That banter bordered on suggesting violence, or so the satellite radio company decided in suspending Beck’s show from its services (for now).

Trump Anger Scale: 9 out of 10

Chance He’ll Change His Mind Come Election Day: 2 percent

Sammy Hagar

The ageless Red Rocker isn’t ready to throw rocks at the Trump campaign quite yet.  Still, Hagar isn’t too pleased with Trump’s rhetoric on illegal immigration. Particularly the politician’s slams against the Mexican people coming to America.

Hagar told Rolling Stone he admired how Trump shoot up the political establishment. That doesn’t mean he can ignore the mogul’s comments about Mexican immigrants.

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Hagar, a shrewd businessman with his own line of Tequila, says his experiences with Mexican immigrants has been nothing but positive. So Trump’s line about Mexican rapists crossing our borders was “insanity” to the rocker.

“I’m not sure that’s the man I want as my next president. But maybe we need somebody that radical,” he told the publication.

Trump Anger Scale: 5 out of 10

Chance He’ll Change His Mind Come Election Day: 40 percent

Melissa Joan Hart

The “Sabrina, The Teen Witch” star is relatively new to the political game. She’s also been more outspoken in recent years about her faith, culminating in a key role in the indie hit “God’s Not Dead 2.”

So what does Hart think of the fellow in the red “Make America Great Again” hat? She’s not too keen on a Trump presidency. Then again, she’s sour about the entire presidential field.

“I feel like the only thing that’s coming out of this election – among my peers at least – is that nobody is happy with our choices right now,” she said.

FAST FACT: Melissa Joan Hart was once offered cocaine by Paris Hilton, but she politely declined, according to her memoir “Melissa Explains It All: Tales from My Abnormally Normal Life.”

The only saving grace of the election cycle? Both Republicans and Democrats are frustrated by the options available to them, according to Hart.

“… because basically they all suck. We’re all in agreement with that.”

Trump Anger Scale: 7 out of 10

Chance She’ll Change Her Mind Come Election Day: 30 percent

Glenn Beck

The mercurial talker threw his empire’s weight behind Sen. Ted Cruz earlier this year. That didn’t move the needle enough for the Texas Republican. Now, Beck must rally behind Trump, right.

Not in the least.

Beck also dubbed Trump a “monster,” someone who will be even worse for the nation than President Barack Obama.

Trump Anger Scale: 8 out of 10

Chance He’ll Change His Mind Come Election Day: 50 percent (Beck remains unpredictable)

Patricia Heaton

The beloved star of both “The Middle” and “Everybody Loves Raymond” personally rallied for the Romney/Ryan ticket four years ago.

Now, she’s hardly swooning over Trump’s strong-arm tactics.

Trump Anger Scale: 8 out of 10

Chance She’ll Change Her Mind Come Election Day: 30 percent

Drew Carey

The stand-up turned “Price Is Right” host is a classic Libertarian. He even shot a series of videos for Reason.TV, an arm of the Libertarian think tank.

So could Trump’s politically incorrect banter cut through to him? What about his deep business background?

That appears to have had little affect on Carey’s political views.

Trump Anger Scale: 8 out of 10

Chance He’ll Change His Mind Come Election Day: 20 percent

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via / CC BY-SA; Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via / CC BY-SA


    1. Really, unless you’re brain dead with politics, everybody’s criticized someone. Take Phil Robertson. At first he backed Ted Cruz. When Cruz dropped out, Phil Endorsed Trump (and Pence). When Ted wouldn’t endorse Trump, not only did Newt Gingrich have to clear the air, but when Cruz defended his reasoning (It was a bunch of BS that’s been old news for a while.) Cruz received criticism from Phil AND from Sarah Palin- and she helped him get elected as Texas senator.

  1. I don’t really call any of these 6 conservatives. Any celebs worth their salt are already on the record as supporting Trump. These folks just seem like they are clueless. And Beck is totally off his rocker and he just might be beyond redemption for his career after his antics.

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