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Michael Rapaport: I Was Duped by Fake Elon Musk Nazi Salute

Red-pilled actor apologizes for believing progressive lie tied to tech titan

Fool Michael Rapaport once, shame on you. Fool him twice, shame on the “Atypical” alum.

Last year, Rapaport apologized for believing one of the Left’s biggest lies about President Donald Trump. Both legacy media reporters and former presidents alike said Trump called White Supremacists “fine people” following a “Unite the Right” rally in 2017.

The Media's "Very Fine People" Myth

Disgraced former President Joe Biden started his 2020 campaign with the bald lie. President Barack Obama repeated it in the 2024 campaign’s stretch run.

Rapaport believed it for far too long before his heartfelt mea culpa. He almost fell for another lie this week.

The actor/podcaster said he posted an image of tech mogul Elon Musk allegedly making the “Heil Hitler” salute on President Trump’s Inauguration Day. He quickly took the post down after social media followers said he was missing the larger context.

Elon Musk & THE N-Word/Stop The Swifties In KC/Pardons of Fauci & Jan 6ers - I AM RAPAPORT EP 1,191

“I felt like I had been duped again,” Rapaport said on the latest episode of his podcast.

“The guy’s a spaz,” he said simply, and it’s not out of any fealty  to the X owner. “I have no allegiance for Elon Musk… I got blocked by Elon Musk years ago for taking about his space rockets and that he’s a wannabe space man.

“I’m an independent contractor. I don’t get paid by nobody … I have no allegiance to anybody but myself and my heart … Nobody is off limits. No-bo-dy,” he added.

“I’ll tell you one thing, if he’s an N-word [Nazi] I want my N-words like Elon Musk. I want my N-words giving money to Israel. I want my N-words meeting [Israeli president Benjamin] Netanyahu … going to to Israel post-Oct. 7 and bearing witness … if that’s an N-word in this day and age that’s how I want my N-words.”

Earlier in the monologue, the “Beautiful Girls” star shared how he got fooled so badly on the “Very Fine People” hoax.

“One of my hardest rants ever on Trump was after Charlottesville after they pieced together [Trump’s] response,” he said, referring to the media hoax. “It wasn’t true, and I felt like a sucker.”

He also addressed those who have criticized him for “changing” over the years. He’s not denying it. He’s proud to change. Everyone should be changing all the time.

“You wanna stay the same your entire life? ‘Yo, you changed.’ Yes, I have changed. I’m gonna continue to change … I pray for knowledge. I pray for the ability to stay open, to gain knowledge, to listen.”

“If I’m the same person I was yesterday, I ain’t working hard enough,” he added.

Rapaport was one of President Trump’s most vocal critics for years. He softened his stance in 2024 as he realized some of the media narratives surrounding Trump weren’t accurate. 


  1. I think he is looking for ANYTHING that can be used to make this administration look bad. He acts/speaks before investigating.

    1. I think he’s damaged goods… he has a lot to learn about using critical thinking, doing 5min or less of research/searching, and paying attention to what site/source is telling him ‘what’. :/

    2. Yeah, it sure looks like that’s his “trained” impulse (as with most celebrities and media) but I’m hopeful when someone eventually DOES investigate – and speaks out about it – which I think is an idea bigger than Trump, politics, or anything that polarizes us on an emotional basis rather than an evidence-based one. The more the human race can slow down our social media, trained-seal-like, reactionary responses – right, left, whatever – the better.

  2. Much love to Michael. He’s awake, not woke. It takes time to sort it all out. Give the guy a break. I applaud his quest for knowledge.

  3. Weak copout. All anyone had to do to “debunk” the “very fine people” hoax was listen to Trump’s VERY NEXT SENTENCE in that speech. All anyone had to do to disprove the Elon “salute” was to actually listen to what he was saying at the time. It’s really simple.

  4. Hey Rapaport: “Fool me twice……..” I am glad you are seeing though all this. But damn, had you done your own research, you would have never been fooled in the first place. It would not have had taken much effort if you tried

  5. Rapaport is just not a smart person. A smart person knows not to believe anything spewing from the networks that ran with the collusion hoax, especially something as ridiculous as a Heil Hitler gesture. Morons, all of them.

    1. It was an Heil Hitler salute you t***. He’s just got idiots like you fooled. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Now is he a Nazi racist? No. Did he do it to troll and to be in the headlines? 1000% It’s as clear as day what he was doing. And yes he knew by saying that heart nonsense right before he did the salute he would have morons like you believing it wasn’t what it was.

  6. This dude sounds like a wishy washy nut. Always believes the liberal side first! No intelligence. I never knew who he was before seeing him in the Fallout Series. He played a real jerkbag. Seems he’s still in character!!

  7. Elon Musk recently visited Auschwitz with Ben Shapiro and other prominent Jews, and gave a passionate speech about the dangers of anti-Semitism. Anyone who seriously fell for this media narrative is so ignorant that they should log off and go touch grass.

    1. He’s also backing a racist German leader. You folks are so easily fooled. He knew exactly what he was doing. Not saying is a full blown racist but I am saying it was intentional and more than likely a troll job by him. To think that it was him giving his heart to the crowd is laughable. That is why he said it right before. So jokers like yourself would give him a pass.

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