0 For 4! ‘Geostorm’ Latest Climate Change Flop
Four very different films hit theaters over the past few weeks.
- A sequel to one of the most talked about documentaries in recent memory.
- An artsy horror film featuring an Oscar-winning stunner.
- A B-movie disaster directed by a man who knowns that genre by heart.
- A belated sequel to one of the most iconic science fiction films of all time.
What did they all have in common? Each film showcased a mortal fear of climate change. And guess what they also have in common (now)?
They all tanked at the box office.
“An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” generated a fraction of the original film’s box office success.
“mother!” divided critics while chasing potential audiences away in droves.
Director Dean Devlin’s “Geostorm” opened over the weekend, sans critics reviews, to an anemic $13 million. The film reportedly cost up to $140 million.
And “Blade Runner 2049,” a film expected to lift Hollywood out of the box office doldrums, is fading fast. The Ryan Gosling/Harrison Ford vehicle won’t hit the $100 million mark without a miracle. It doesn’t help that the studio is yanking it out of theaters earlier than usual.
Even the “Ghostbusters” reboot crossed that financial barrier.
Each tackled climate change in a different fashion. Gore’s film centered on the fear we’re trashing the climate with our energy-guzzling ways. “mother!” employed clunky metaphors, some of which may have been lost on the audience, to send the message home.
That “Blade Runner” sequel used climate change to set the story in motion. Once established, the narrative didn’t go back to it.
“Geostorm” features an effort to control the environment following a series of extreme weather events, according to The Hollywood Reporter review.
RELATED: 9 Climate Change Obsessed Films
Each movie had its own distinct reasons for crashing and burning with crowds. Documentaries are typically a tough sell for the masses, and Gore’s eco-hypocrisy is better known today than when his 2006 smash “An Inconvenient Truth” hit theaters.
“mother!” features the suddenly divisive Lawrence and an ad campaign that prepped audiences for something more traditionally in the horror vein.
“Geostorm” suffered from bad press, high profile reshoots and a lack of A-list stars. Sorry, Gerard Butler cannot carry a film all by himself.
“Blade Runner 2049” challenged marketers by being nearly 3 hours long and filled with artsy flourishes that aren’t catnip to young movie goers. Plus the original film underwhelmed at the box office, a legacy which may have predicted the sequel’s rocky reception.
Still, the climate change thread connects them all. And, in a sane world, that might send a message to Hollywood studios. Audiences aren’t clamoring to see the theme embedded in their movies in any shape or form.
Hollywood doesn’t always act in a sane manner, though.
Let’s turn the clock back to the 2000s. President George W. Bush’s decision to invade Iraq led to a series of films critical of the effort.
- “Stop-Loss”
- “In the Valley of Elah”
- “Redacted”
- “Rendition”
- “Lions for Lambs”
- “Grace Is Gone”
- “Green Zone”
They all bombed, some in epic fashion. “Redacted” by renowned director Brian De Palma, earned a pathetic $65,000 in theaters.
The reason behind the anti-Iraq war films? Hurt the Bush presidency, plain and simple. It took flop after flop after flop before studio executives stopped greenlighting these projects.
The rationale for including so many climate change narratives into modern films? To convince audiences to elect Democrats willing to reconfigure our economy into one lean green machine.
Yes, when it comes to climate change and storytelling there’s a method to Hollywood’s madness.
Yet, according to a recent New York Times article, the “doom and gloom” storytelling approach is a non-starter.
Copious research shows that this kind of dystopian framing backfires, driving people further into denial and helplessness; instead of acting, they freeze.
The industry wants to change the way you think about the issue. It’s just going about it the wrong way, apparently. And, despite the fact we’ve been talking about climate change for more than a decade across every medium possible, some think it’s still not enough.
Mr. Maibach, the George Mason professor and an expert in polling on climate understanding, said the greatest problem facing climate communicators is that Americans are not talking about climate change enough — in any shape. “We call it the climate silence,” he said, “and it’s pretty profound.”
So, said Mr. Hoffman, the University of Michigan professor, we need “more movies, more TV, more music.”
We’ll get just that shortly with “Downsizing,” a comedy about a technology that shrinks people to a fraction of their original size.
Tiny people consume less natural resources.
It’s another sly spin on the climate change model. Will it be the year’s 5th climate change flop, or will its star power (Matt Damon, Kristen Wiig, Christoph Waltz) save the day?
One thing is clear. Should it fail, too, it won’t stop the industry from making more climate change stories.
Sometimes messaging is more important than the bottom line.
Blade Runner 2049 as an eco disaster movie? That’s laughable. And a guy who doesn’t know that smog was in the original Blade Runner shouldn’t be writing about films. Is Fury Road a leftist climate movie too? Blade runner did poorly because its 3 hours long and slow and requires an IQ over 85. Ta da! I’m a movie critic now, too.
If I wanted to pay money to be nagged about a fake science climate scam by perverts and pedophiles, I’d go see a Hollywood movie.
And yet will Matt Damon’s link to the Weinstein scandal overcome his star power to drag Downsizing down?
Would not pay a dime to see Matt Demon in any movie. That blowhard is a creep.
At least we will not see another movie about Joseph McCarthy and the blacklist, now that Russia is Big Evil again.
You progressive pedophile enablers see a pattern yet?
The movie going part of the populace is “woke” – not buying the flim-flam any more.
I’m amazed the writer overlooked one of the more spectacular Leftist Propaganda Film Crash And Burn: Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down The White House.
A major production by Sony Studios retelling of the Watergate bru-ha-ha. It starred Liam Neeson as Mark Felt and Diane Lane.
After a month’s release, it’s grossed less than a half million dollars. The only overseas revenue comes from Russia and Ukraine and the United Arab Emirates.
Other Leftist films which tanked are “The Florida Project” (about the poor in America) and “The Battle of the Sexes” a feminist film about tennis. And Tom Cruise’s anti-Reagan Film “American Made” under-performed.
Bladerunner’s universe already had a form of eco-collapse in the original film, so the additional detail added a little more depth to that part of the background, but not in an obnoxious way
It’s called the ‘entertainment’ business not the ‘hectoring’ business
Hollywood is full of pedophiles, pervs and politically-deranged lunatics that hate normal people.
To give them a dollar is to pay for the rope that will be used by them to hang your family and tear down your country.
“5th climate change flop, or will its star power (Matt Damon, Kristen Wiig, Christoph Waltz) save the day?”
If that’s ‘star power,’ no wonder Hollywood is tanking. Bad people making bad films starring non-stars.
Stars are bigger than life. These people are already ‘downsized’
I wouldn’t pay any of those three to cut my grass, let alone “entertain” me.
The only star that matters with regard to climate change is about 93 million miles away.
Yeah! Why does no “scientist” recognize this?
Oh they’re out there, but they don’t get $150 million budgets to proselytize.
Matt Damon? I’ll never purposely watch his movies again after finding out how he helped kill the news story about Weinstein assaulting someone.