Milano’s Biden Defense Is More Pathetic Than You Can Imagine
The 'Charmed' alum finally 'explains' her #MeToo silence on the candidate
Let’s cut actress-turned-activist Alyssa Milano some slack.
There’s no way Milano could explain away her support for Vice President Joe Biden in light of the crush of allegations against him.
Still, Milano’s belated response, after being called out across social media and by fellow #MeToo warrior Rose McGowan, is both too late and too insipid to believe.
The Democrats’ likely choice to challenge President Donald Trump this fall has a documented history of creepy behavior around women.
Much of it is on tape, too.
More recently, those incidents took a toxic turn when an ex-staffer alleged he sexually assaulted her in 1993. Tara Reade claims Biden attacked her in a graphic manner, but she’s been unable to rally any support for her story since then.
Even Time’s Up, the legal group created in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, chose not to defend her. Hollywood, meanwhile, remains silent on the matter.
Milano similarly stayed mum since the allegations went public late last month. Conservative media outlets took note of her lack of response, while most media outlets helped cover for the obvious issue.
Milano’s silence spoke the loudest because she’s been among the leading voices demanding we “believe all women.”
Now, she wants us to know “believe all women” is more nuanced than we were told.
The actress scrambled to find a friendly interviewer – Andy Cohen – to finally address the issue in play. There is no defense, of course, but her attempt says everything about her partisan purposes.
First, she attempted to explain away why she waited, and waited, to respond to the Biden allegations.
“It took me a long time to publicly share anything about Harvey [Weinstein] as well,” she told Cohen.
Not true.
The Weinstein scandal officially broke Oct. 5, 2017. Milano addressed the subject directly in an Oct. 15, 2017 Tweet that helped kick start her “activism.” She may have done so even earlier, but that Tweet remains early in the scandal cycle.
The interview isn’t off to a good start, and things got worse from there, even as Cohen avoided anything close to a follow-up question. Nor did he discuss the glaring inconsistencies in her narrative.
“Even though we should ‘believe women’ and that’s an important thing, and what that statement really means is that for so long the go-to has been not to believe them,” she says. “We have to societally change that mind set to ‘believing woman,’ but that does not mean at the expense of not giving men they’re due process,” she says.
“I like that … I like that,” Cohen cooed.
“I did do my due diligence [on Biden],” citing Time’s Up decision not taking the case, even though they did so on a technicality, not for any reason like Reade’s claim didn’t measure up to their standards.
“I just don’t feel comfortable throwing away a decent man I’ve known for 15 years in this time of complete chaos,” she concludes.
She didn’t give Brett Kavanaugh a similar chance, of course, even though the future Supreme Court justice endured five FBI background checks and faced the flimsiest abuse allegation possible.
The accuser’s own father cheered on Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court ascension.
It gets even worse.
Last last year Milano pulled out of a fundraising for then-candidate Andrew Yang. Why? She claimed Yang hadn’t done enough to address a sexual abuse allegation against one of his staffers.
Yang denied the charge in an interview with Yahoo! News:
Yang said that he and his team conducted an internal investigation on the staffer allegedly involved in the misconduct and found no evidence of anything sexual in nature.” The staffer was dismissed instead for “management problems,” according to Yang.
“We take any allegation of misconduct very, very seriously,” said Yang. “We investigated as soon as we had any indication that something was amiss. And the person that was accused, we found that they had not done anything sexual in nature, but we decided to dismiss the worker anyway because there had been other, centrally, management problems.”
Hollywood hypocrisy is nothing new. Milano, though, works in hypocrisy “the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master…” with apologies to Jean Shepherd in “A Christmas Story.”
when gravity takes over AND you still crave attention…
Another dumb c*** in hollywood
This little harlot knew about the “casting couch” for decades, but she kept her mouth shut (and her legs open) because she didn’t want to be overlooked for the roles that would make her almost-rich and semi-famous.
Damn it’s good to be a Democrat
You can
Human Traffic
and the media will not only defend you and enable you, they’ll cheer you on as you do it.
Ignore her, Hollywood is dying, China owns it, and look how well that is working out. All productions will be moving to Wuhan, at former address of the now closed Wuhan Viral “Study Center”..
doesn’t she have some yachting to take care of?
Tara Reade claims Biden attacked her in a graphic manner…
I’ve seen this attack characterized as “graphic” numerous times. What did he do, brain her with a printing press?
Graphic refers to the relative depth of detail of description when relating an incident; it does NOT refer to the incident itself.
I swear, you journalists…
“Milano’s Biden Defense Is More Pathetic Than You Can Imagine” Oh, I don’t know. Democrats are hypocrites…so…that’s what I imagine. Am I on the mark?
Joe Biden has murdered #MeToo as surely as Bubba Clinton killed the relevancy of NOW.
If she ever went against the cult, she may disappear. All of the obvious double standards, from all of Hollywood can be attributed to, at least in part, to their devotion to satan. They are held to their vows. No matter the consequences here for the rest of us.
I smell BS
Poor little Alyssa Milano,
Went from semi famous hot actress to brain dead NPC snow flake zombie cat lady.
WWG1WGA! QMap__dot__pub (For people who can think.) Not for the brain dead NPC snow flake zombie crowd that can’t
Milano is too irrelevant to get worked up about any more. She’s become the usual clueless Hollyweird dung beetle crawling out from under a cow patty somewhere in CA to attract other media dung beetles like CNN , MSNBC and Huff Post.
In her bi-coastal bubble, Milano may be able to convince herself that she’s gotten away with the rationalization. But the Sanders wing of the party that’s holding out hope for Bernie sees the Biden allegations as one of their last chances to turn the tide, and aren’t going to let her hypocrisy go unchallenged. So Alyssa’s not just going to be attacked from the right here — she’s also going to be hit from the left by the Democrats (and where Rose McGowan is a pretty progressive Democrat. But she was also on going after Weinstein for what he personally did to her for a long time and takes the #metoo movement seriously. Her tweet slamming Milano for blatant partisanship may end up carrying more weight than anything anyone else on the right or in the Sanders camp says about her).
I’m continually amazed by what you can get away with in this country, as long as you have a (D) next to your name. Imagine if the media and Hollywood took Biden’s actions half as seriously as they took Trump’s locker room talk.