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Ice-T’s Anti-Woke ‘SVU’ Defense Is … Woke

Rapper-turned-actor ignores reality behind frustrated fan's critique

The media has a new hero this week.

Ice-T, the gangsta rapper turned broadcast TV star, lashed out at a fan for criticizing “Law & Order: SVU.”

He’s been part of the long-running series as detective Odafin Tutuola for more than two decades. And, given his anti-cop rhetoric, it’s been a curious match from the start.

The actor gave a fan of the show a curt response when she asked him, “Did they write ‘SVU’ back to normal yet? It started to go woke,” on X. 

We all know what that means, but Ice-T played dumb.

“What the F is woke? Lol. Like I give a f***.”

Variety celebrated the response, saying Ice-T “shut down” the fan. Parade Magazine dubbed it a “bold” and a  “mighty strong” response.

Yahoo! News called it “perfectly obscene,” citing HuffPo’s coverage.

Not all heroes wear capes, eh?

Except Ice-T’s response was perfectly woke. He shut down the conversation. That’s exactly what woke snowflakes do across the culture. Just ask countless conservatives who have been shut down for daring to speak on college campuses.

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It’s worse, though.

The fawning Ice-T press coverage neglected to give Nicole T., the fan in question, a voice. It ignored her thoughtful follow-ups, like this:

“That’s nothing to do with it. It got to a point where it was ridiculous. I watched SVU from the beginning. It changed.”

Later, when an X user called her racist, she offered a “mighty strong” response. She’s “mixed race.” Another woke attack line embracing Identity Politics over facts.

Later, she shared this observation:

“I don’t recollect the exact episode but they were making a big deal out of hurt feelings and how disturbing it was and it had nothing to do with threats or such..but they over emphasized the whole DEI and ‘body shaming.’

AKA woke. It’s a fair argument, one the show’s co-star won’t even consider.

The articles also failed to mention one embarrassing “SVU” episode. The Jan. 25th installment, “Truth Embargo,” featured a white rape victim reluctant to testify against her assailant.

Why? America’s systemic racial inequalities.

"Law & Order: SVU" Gets It Right

The show’s characters felt her white privilege pain, according to a Newsweek account.

“She’s inconsolable,” the character’s partner tells detectives at one point. “We’re acutely aware of the systemic inequities that exist within the criminal justice system.”

“Well, I can’t deny that there’s a history of racial bias,” the main character, Olivia Benson, played by Mariska Hargitay, responds. “It’s certainly not a perfect system.”

Woke 101.

It took this reporter minutes to find this example, something apparently out of reach for the previous news outlets. Perhaps they lack Internet connections?

Or, they’d rather cheer Ice-T on for shaming a fan rather than asking, “does she have a point?”

Turns out she does.


  1. Butthurt *radiates* from this entire site and it’s hilarious.

    You’re losing the culture war because you’re f*cking boring. Cope.

    1. Wrong, you’re the butthurt one, because you’re a communist pig. We’re not losing the culture war, you are, you evil Marxist.

      1. Were Albert Einstein, Helen Keller, and George Orwell all “communist pigs,” too? Because they were all avowed card-carrying socialists, you chromosome-deprived Know-Nothing.

  2. I loved SVU from seasons 1-7. Season 8 was overtly political. When the character of Eliot Stabler left the show after season 12 the show struggled to find its footing but had some interesting storylines involving the new recurring characters. After that it became drenched in estrogen and, at least for me, unwatchable. I’d love to know what the demographics are. Are any males still watching it?

  3. Yeah the white victim not wanting to testify against the black rapist jumped the woke shark but SVU has been blatantly political probably since everyone in Hollywood caught TDS as I know there was an episode where the main character gave some big speech defending illegal aliens and an episode where the main character’s adopted son is now her trans daughter and an episode where they parallel the guy that showed up at comet pingpong with a gun looking for the secret kiddy diddling rooms only to be thwarted by the corrupt authorities and either misinformation on how to access them or quick, quiet renovations that covered them up but on SVU there were never any rooms at the comet ping pong analog in the fictional SVU universe

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