OpinionMovie News

Anthony Mackie Goes Full Rachel Zegler

'Captain America' star says most alienating thing about MCU sequel

The buzz around “Captain America: Brave New World” had been toxic … until recently.

The sequel finds Anthony Mackie taking over for Chris Evans as the star-spangled Avenger. The film endured high-profile “reshoots” as well as leaked reports of devastating test screenings.

Both gave the impression this “Brave New World” would be a “Marvels”-level dud.

In recent weeks, though, the buzz has died down.

The film’s recent trailer didn’t suffer blowback from Comic Con Nation. The Red Hulk subplot has comic readers intrigued, especially since screen legend Harrison Ford will be bringing him to life.

Captain America: Brave New World | Official Trailer

In fact. some media outlets report the film could earn north of $90 million in its opening weekend. That’s not “Avengers”-sized money but enough to suggest the franchise won’t crash and burn.

Mackie’s new viral gaffe just made everything worse. How much worse? We’ll find out on Feb. 14 when “Brave New World” hits theaters nationwide.

Suffice it to say Disney star Rachel Zegler would be impressed by this PR disaster.

Mackie, a credible star in his own right, had large shoes to fill as is. Evans’ Captain America became a beloved MCU figure, capturing the character’s stoic leadership.

Some fans don’t trust the character swap, thinking it’s Hollywood’s latest woke switcheroo. The shift has precedent in the Marvel Comics’ canon, though, and Evan’s Cap bowed out gracefully in “Avengers: Endgame.”

And then Mackie said this about the film and his iconic character.

ā€œCaptain America represents a lot of different things & I donā€™t think the term ā€˜Americaā€™ should be one of those representations. Itā€™s about a man who keeps his word, who has honor, dignity and integrity.ā€

The undated clip reminds us of how Warner Bros. treated the Superman reboot. The character’s classic line – “fighting for Truth, Justice and the American Way” got clipped to appease woke sensibilities.

That “update” got shredded on social media and captured the disgust many fans have with the “new” take on classic heroes.

America in 2025 is pushing past those woke sentiments, typified by the re-election of President Donald Trump.

Now this.

X (AKA Twitter) went berserk with the Mackie clip. Here’s just a sample of the snarkier responses.

The timing couldn’t be worse. The film is roughly two weeks from its release date and these memes will linger.

Deadpool and Wolverine” brought the MCU back to life last summer. Will “Brave New World” bully past this PR body blow? Or might it prove the Merc with a Mouth was the exception to the superhero fatigue rule?

Brave New World teaser poster red hulk hand-

Editor’s Note: It’s a brutal time to be an independent journalist, but it’s never been more necessary given the sorry state of the corporate press. If you’re enjoying Hollywood in Toto, I hope you’ll consider leaving a coin (or two) in our Tip Jar.


  1. Please see my longer post on this page . X-FACTOR WINNER ALTIYAN CHILDS, lost his career after EXPOSING THE ILLUMINATI . This lengthy video FIVE HRS taken in small chunks will explain to you THE SIGNS AND SYMBOLS these illuminati stars use in photos to communicate to each other, he’ll explain WHY THEY COVER ONE EYE WHEN TAKING PHOTOS, Why they throw up the “DEVIL HORNS’ when they are neither “rockers” OR from Texas, why they show the “HIDDEN HAND” where they pose like Napoleon with one hand partially obscured in their clothing and many other things. The enormity of the task to show you DECADES OF ACTORS MAKING THE SAME SIGNALS IN PHOTOS going back to when MICHAEL JACKSON was both black and a child , showing that it goes even further back to Sammie Davis Jr and his membership IN THE CHURCH OF SATAN. Watch and learn.

  2. Listen, you people are too ideologically involves with hating everything that comes out of Hollywood to actually know HOW RIGHT YOU ARE! There is a group of people who run Hollywood call them what you want, they’ve gone by many names over the years, “Illuminati, Masons, just to name two. They only deal with people who can move the needle in terms of their “agenda”. Google: “SHAILENE WOODLEY WANTS TO TEACH CHILDREN TO MASTURBATE” and you’ll be scratching the surface of their “agenda”.

    Those who run Hollywood are ANTI CHRISTIAN and in fact the GOAL of Hollywood writ large is the DESTRUCTION OF JUDEO CHRISTIAN MORALITY. This is a big topic and over the heads of many. Dave Chappelle in one of his recent specials, mentioned how STANDARDS AND PRACTICES stopped him from using the “F” word slur for gays. If this group exists WHICH IT DOES, how is it that EVERY SINGLE SHOW OR MOVIE UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE WRITER’S GUILD USES THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AS A CURSE WORD. You’ve heard it all of your adult lives but have been “frog boiled” to accept it and not recognize it as BLASPHEMY. But it is.

    That’s why Mackie, an illuminati puppet, called homosexuality , “PURE AND BEAUTIFUL” in a recent interview. And that’s why he’s now taking the America out of Captain America. Puppets do what they’re TOLD.

  3. Mackie did the spike but Chris Evans gave him the set with his left-wing garbage that he always flaps his jaws about.

  4. why did this guy even take the part? yeah, I hate America so I’ll portray Captain America in a movie. too bad I’ll miss it.

  5. The solution to this entire nonsense is to NOT pay these people. Do not go to the movie theater, do not pay for streaming, or pay per view. If you want to see it, there are plenty of ways to do that without paying for it. Nothing shuts up a grifter more or faster than taking their money away.

  6. I get what he is trying to say. Captain America is more than just America. I do. But man did he botch this so badly. And on foreign soil to boot

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